I made it!

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South America » Argentina » Santa Fe
January 15th 2006
Published: April 8th 2006
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Well, 32 hrs later and 4 stops (Aukland, Los Angeles, Lima, Santiago), I finally arrived in Buenos Aires safe and sound, and exhausted!! Met some interesting people on the plane - a geologist from Aukland, pianist from Santiago (?), a guy travelling Latin America from Los Angeles, and a girl to meet up with when I return to Santiago! Slept around 5 hrs in total, so I was pretty tired, but happy to have finally arrived! Martin met me at the airport and we headed to his cousinĀ“s place in a suburb of Buenos Aires where we had lunch. They had two gorgeous children - the girl burst into tears when we left! I crashed a couple of hours on the bed while the others went for a swim! Then Martin drove the approx. 6hrs to Santa Fe where we are currently staying at his parents' place. They are absolutely delightful, greeting me with 'ah, the smile we know from the photos!'!!

Tomorrow's plans are to take it easy, then we will head off to Cordoba and Mendoza, and pass by Santa Fe again on our way north to Iguacu.


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