Parque Nacional Los Cardones

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November 16th 2008
Published: November 16th 2008
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Today we went for a day excursion to Los Cardones NP and Cachi. The name of the NP comes from the cactus species known as the Cordon, that grows 4 cm per year and can be as high as 10m. In order to get there we had to climb up into the Andes, up to 3350m above the sea level. Unfortunately, it was quite cloudy on our way there so we didnĀ“t get to enjoy the views all that much. But once there we were above the clouds and could admire the incredible scenery of this plateau in the middle of the Andes!

After the NP we went on to Cachi, a pictoresque little village where we wandered around the streets for a while.

On our return trip the coulds have lifted partly so this time we could enjoy the view of the valley while descending the winding roads into Salta.

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