Rainy Days in Bariloche

Published: April 22nd 2011
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Not much new to report here. We went to the bar two nights ago, a place that Joey used to go to with some craft beers. We had a couple there and the alcohol content was so strong I got a pretty solid buzz and when we went the next bar I got drunk quickly. The bar was called Wilkenny and it’s a popular place here in Bariloche for tourists and locals. We got there at like 2am and there were many, many hot girls there, though they all appeared to be around the age of 20 which I am not complaining about however it makes a man feel old. We did some dancing and Joey and Brett had some moderate success, I however was too fucked up and had to take myself out of the game around 5am. The other guys stayed until 6am and apparently the bar wasn’t closed at that point so I am curious to know what time it does close. I cracked my eyes for the first time the next morning and saw Joey getting up and around and I asked him what the hell he was doing up so early and he said that it was in fact 230pm. WHAT THE FUCK!? Hahah. I got my life together a little bit and since I had no painkillers for my pounding head I had to take a Vicodin which made me feel a lot better as you can imagine. I spent the day organizing my things as they were just in disarray all over the room. I also washed some clothes in the sink so I could save some money on laundry. It was raining all day long, not like sprinkles either, like pouring rain all day with no stop. We finally decided to have a big Asado for dinner so Joey and I went to the grocery store and the bank. We got some beef and some veggies as well as some sausage. The walk was miserable when we got back we were completely soaking wet from the torrents of rain that were coming down. We made a huge dinner and we each ate about 1.5lbs of meat which is just disgusting and insane and we all had heart palpitations and meat sweats afterwards. The guys were going to go out to the bar again but I said I couldn’t do it and I turned in early, they followed suit and thought that the bar in the pouring rain probably wouldn’t be all that fun. It was funny though that when we went to bed Joey commented that we weren’t even awake for 12 hours yesterday! What wastes of life we were. But here we are, awake before noon and not hung over. I am heading to the bus station today to buy a ticket south to El Calefate where there is a huge glacier that is apparently a must see. Also it’s pretty much the bottom of South America and more or less the end of the world. After that we have to book a hostel to stay in tomorrow and Sunday night and then who knows. Probably drinking alcohol because let’s be honest its Semana Santa and people get nuts down here. Cheers everyone, we’ll talk soon.


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