Tango in Bariloche

Published: March 2nd 2008
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These are tango pictures I got from Carol and Bill since Dale and I didn't take a camera to the dances.
There’s not much of a tango scene in Bariloche, but Dale and I were determined to do some dancing. On Saturday night, Feb 23, after dinner at home, we walked downtown to check out the one place that advertises tango on Friday and Saturday night, the Rincon Del Tango.

The dancing starts at 12:30 at night! It’s a tiny little place and there were two posts in the middle of the floor, making navigating difficult. Also, there wasn’t a lot of mixing, most people danced with who they came with, but there was live music and it was very good. It was as crowded as any milonga I’ve every been too, but we had a good time and danced to our heart’s content. By 2:30 am, we were starting to fall asleep on our feet, so we took a taxi home.

Sun Feb 24
On Sunday we first met up with Carol and Bill at our favorite locutorio for coffee. Then we decided to go exploring and find the hotel Cascada which was hosting a tango workshop this week. An acquaintance from Buenos Aires (from Texas actually), named Barbara Dominey, had emailed that she was coming to Bariloche for a workshop with a well-known tango teacher named Cecilia González.


We took the bus out Bustillo and found the hotel easily. It is a very exclusive hotel on the shore of the lake. We met up with Barbara and she introduced us to Cynthia who invited us to come back for the evening milonga at 9:00. So we did - we took the bus home, had some dinner, changed clothes and came back out on the bus to the milonga. It was a relatively small group of about 18 people, from all over the world, but included a rather large contingent from Austin Texas. The workshop was a week long and included lodging at the hotel, tango lessons all day, including “aqua tango” in the swimming pool, and milongas at night. We had some good dances with each other and with others in the group. At 11:30, we headed home, after stopping at a brew pub for a beer and some natchos. We had meant to take a taxi home, but there weren’t any out that far, so we waited for the bus. It was about 12:30 at night, and we felt funny waiting for the bus, but sure enough it came and we got safely home. It was great to get some dancing in together this weekend!


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