Wine, Chocolate, and Rafting

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South America » Argentina » Mendoza
July 6th 2006
Published: July 7th 2006
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Hello again from Mendoza...

Well we went on our wine tours yesterday and it was pretty good. Saw a small winery, then a big winery and the different ways they make the wines. Then we went to a chocolate/liqueur place. All gave some nice samples, and the chocolate is the die for. I´ve never drank more than two glasses of wine in my life so I´m not a very good judge but Jacquelien said she didn´t think they were very good.... oh well itw as worth it anyways.

We met a couple of nice British guys on that tour and we were pleasantly surprised to see them again this morning when the bus picked us up for our white water rafting. The rafting was excellent! They gave us some very unflattering wet suits to put on and jackeys and lief vests and helmets. The water was FREEZING coming down out of the snowy Andes but it was definately worth it. And we paid 90 pesos while the Brits thought they were getting 3 hours and paid 120. But we were all in the same boat. Funny.

There was no food at the rafting base and we had only eaten a couple of croissants for breakfast so we were STARVED. as soon as we got back to town we headed out in search of steak. The place we went to served me a HUGE steak, double decker, with an fried egg on top of it. Both our meals were not very good. Very disappointing. The steaks were really fatty and the fries were undercooked. Can´t win em all I spose...

We just booked our hotel in Viña del Mar on the coast of Chile. Its much more expensive than Argentina but it will be nice to relax on the beach for a few days.

Talk to you all soon


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