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July 20th 2008
Published: July 20th 2008
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Watering the Seeds of LoveWatering the Seeds of LoveWatering the Seeds of Love

This is one of many beautiful statues in the park.
I attended a Spanish language program at a place called Intercultural last week. I left the house at about 7:45 each morning. It is about a 30 minute walk each way. I allowed my self time to stop at a cafe for jugo naranja (fresh squeezed), cafe con leche, and a medaluna. From 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. I heard not a word of English unless it inadvertently escaped from my own lips. It was very taxing for my old brain, but I do think my comprehension of the language and my ability to speak has improved noticeably. The instructors there are very good, and the atmosphere friendly. There were several young people there from the U.S. I may consider attending another week long session before I leave, but not until our friend Rich returns in late August and I have more free time. However, we are also looking forward to traveling soon after he returns and that may become top priority.

Some people have asked me to explain more about the work we are doing here. Our friends, Rich and Wendy, run a small program here providing a foreign language and cultural experience, as well as an opportunity to
Let Sleeping Dogs LieLet Sleeping Dogs LieLet Sleeping Dogs Lie

Everyone takes time to siesta en el parque.
write and record original music. It is designed for young people age 16 and up. Many of these young chicos were struggling to find their identities in the States. Here they have time for reflection as they create music, learn Spanish and explore a different culture socially and through volunteer work. Some of them are high school students and continue their studies here via correspondence courses. Our role is to keep the household running as smoothly as possible, organize a schedule, and support the students as they learn about themselves and the world outside of their normal experience. As of now there are three students. Each brings with him an incredible amount of talent, some unhealthy dependencies, and a fair amount of fear. Each also has great capacity for gratitude and humor. They are my students as I am theirs.

Some days are challenging, others entertaining, but none are boring. As I learn about the students, the culture, and the language, I also learn a great deal about myself. It is providing me with unlimited opportunity for growth. I've assumed that I've always been empathetic regarding the challenges faced by immigrants, but am learning that I really had no
Not Bad for Midwinter in MendozaNot Bad for Midwinter in MendozaNot Bad for Midwinter in Mendoza

These beautiful blossoms are all over the park and are attracting hummingbirds that I've never before seen.
idea of the struggles that new Americans face. Recently, I sat through a meeting for the volunteers at Casa Kuna, the orphanage I mentioned earlier. I think that I was able to comprehend a little of one topic that was discussed, but most of the time I couldn't decipher a single word. The language barrier lessens daily and people here a very patient and accommodating, which helps. Still, I cannot fathom the challenges for those in a foreign country with little or no support from someone who speaks the language, for someone with limited financial resources, or especially for families with small children.

More importantly, this experience is a wonderful reminder to me that all of us who walk this incredibly beautiful and mysterious planet have more in common than not, that we can all find a place of peace within ourselves and with those around us if we choose to be mindful and patient. In my core I am an Argentine, an American, a parent, a child, an artist, and I am whole. It is when I forget to trust these truths that I find myself fearful, frustrated, and impatient.

I know that when I chose to
Art is EverywhereArt is EverywhereArt is Everywhere

Another beautiful sculpture in the park.
see them, there are hundreds, if not thousands of things each day for which I can be grateful. Each friend and family member who takes the time to read this is counted there. I've also relearned how easy it is to go through our daily routines without truly appreciating the people who enrich our lives. Being here has helped me to more fully realize all that my friends and family give to me. Thank you.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


No Need for California Dreaming on a Winter's DayNo Need for California Dreaming on a Winter's Day
No Need for California Dreaming on a Winter's Day

I think I'm doing okay with missing out on summer in Boise.

20th July 2008

Made me cry
This was beautifully written, I miss you so much. Am glad you're learning so much about yourself and others and glad you're still enjoying yourselves! Still can't help being selfish and wishing you back soon so we can see eachother. I love all the pictures.
20th July 2008

Thanks for the lovely post and pics. We love you and miss you! J's not writing back because she is grounded from the computer. I'll consider making an exception for her to write back to you : ) She did see the pics and got a good laugh. Love you.
20th July 2008

self growth
You are experiencing such self growth and self knowledge while you are there. I know that such growth is very exhilerating, but also can be very unsettling. You are truly lucky to have this experience and have enough self awareness to be able to expand your spiritual as well as your mental growth. What a challenge and what growth. I think I envy you.
21st July 2008

Beautifully written and seems you are in your element lady! I hope you make a thousand memories over there. I am so happy for you! Janelle wishes her best as well. :-)
21st July 2008

Enjoy your blogs
Just to let you know, how much I enjoy your blogs. Your pictures are great. Miss you and looking forward to see all your pictures on your return. You'll have to have a show. In my thoughts and prayers to both you and Steve. Love, Fran
23rd July 2008

Enjoying your blog
Thankyou for the continued beautifully written updates. It's wonderful your sharing your experiences and be reminded of the important. What a lovely way to share with us all. Enjoying the pictures and captions. Love and miss you, Tomi

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