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South America » Argentina » Chubut » Esquel
May 15th 2007
Published: May 15th 2007
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Asado is an argentinian family barbeque. My family doesn´t do it but alot do it every sunday as does the family of my exchange friend Jeevon from America. So one day I decided to go along with them.

We went about 2 blocks from his house, ( nothing is ever far in this town) to where his grandma lives. On the block of her house, they have built a special building just for asados which has a long table and chairs for about 15 people, as well as a kitchen and the barbeque built in.

Family and friends came and everyone brings their own salads and drinks, but the meat is all cooked there. Seeing as my host parents don´t like meat that much, I was quite hapily to chow down on the endless supply of beef and lamb that was being offered to me fresh off of the barbie.

THen afterwards we had dessert, now in this country if your eating something sweet, they don´t like to make a half assed effort of making it sweet, it´s gonna be sweet!!! see further my picture of dessert with description.

Then after everyone had eaten, they decided
Jeevons dadJeevons dadJeevons dad

Jeevon´s dad was incharge of cooking all the meat while everyone else sat and ate.
to play guitar and do some spanish dancing. Jeevon tells me that this doesn´t always happen, but I´ve found that breaking out into song is quite a common thing in this country so it wasn´t much of a surpize. Also I think the dancing was greatly influencded by red wine...

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I can see alot of those wine bottles down the table that latter contributed to the adults dancing..
Dessert timeDessert time
Dessert time

Ok more specificaly this is flan, withh dulce de leche ( with is like caramel tart filling) and cream. Did someone say sugar. Ohh about equel parts of each too...

I don´t know where exactly this style of dancing comes form but the guy and the girl both have a handkerchief which they swing at eachother in a lovey maner.

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