Groundhog Week

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July 9th 2006
Published: July 9th 2006
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Asado with salteñosAsado with salteñosAsado with salteños

Eating the traditional Argentine Asado
Sometimes too much is too much.

I had heard that Buenos Aires is a place to party, but I never thought it would add up to something like this. Today I got home at 8 am after a long night of dancing at an enermous dance club named Mint with some British friends. This makes the fourth morning in a row where I saw the sun rise and four days spent sleeping until after 3:30 pm. So, the normal day this week consists of:

*getting up with a very dry mouth at 3-5 pm
*slowly, SLOWLY opening my eyes and trying to figure out just where I am
*Making eggs after getting laughed at by the guys who work here who think that I am killing myself through exhaustion (I swear I overheard one guy say "El Diablo" when he saw my stagger down with my epties from the last night)
*doing one thing in BA before the sun goes down
*Having lunch at 9 pm or so, then hitting the bottle
*going to a club at 1-3 am, dancing
*come home by 8 am, drink water, stumble to bed, wake up everyone in dorm room - I once
Asado with salteñosAsado with salteñosAsado with salteños

Eating the traditional Argentine Asado
even sat on a guy on the bed beneath me
*rinse and repeat

We arrived at the club at about 3 am which for any normal society would mean we got there too late. Instead we "queued" for about 20 minutes and got inside just as it was heating up. The club was a strange mix of people dancing like maniacs (almost all, I am sure, with chemical assistance) and people looking around insesently for a girl/guy to grind with. It wasn't the ideal venue for me, especially since it was so crowded on the dance floor that you were constantly brushing against people (maybe that was the point), but the DJ, an English guy flown in for a while to perform, really knew how to get your juices flowing and before long we were all flailing around like the best of 'em. We left before the club shut down, which would have spilt out hundreds of coked up twenty-somethings out into the street looking for an after hours club, at 7:30 am.

But, too much is too much.

The only things I have managed to do in the last five days or so are:
*Go to the Evita museum
*Walk around the amazing park near Palermo Viejo

Uh... That about sums it up...

This week I have promised my liver that I will take it a little easier this week and to try to see more than a couple hours of sunlight a day. Next weekend I am being joined by a French-Canadian girl who I met in Mendoza for the weekend, afterwhich I am heading off to Iguazu and, eventually, Bolivia to prepare to head home.

ciao for now


10th July 2006

Holaaaa, my name is jesica, I live in buenos aires and yeees, we love dancing all night and it's a pretty usual activity to do on Saturday or Friday night!!! Hope you enjoy being here!! Byee
21st July 2006

sounds like a blast, the whole trip not just the dancing. school has left me too poor to do much other than the 9-5, good call doing this instead. nuc eng has only stressed me out, taken my hair, my money, and my dignity. toss me a message when you get back to the world and we can do lunch.

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