life, recoleta

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August 3rd 2008
Published: August 3rd 2008
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soo we visited all the universities and i'm kind of regretting not registering at UCA because UBA is mad bootleg. like i can't even explain - graffiti everywhere an elevator that's about 52 decades old run by a man with a hot attitude...we took our exam on like benches with these dusty desks it was just so not ok in too many ways. filosofia y letras is a little nicer which is where i'll be taking classes, also really close to my house...i'm un poco nervioso that the classes will be really hard but we'll see. time is going by so fast here i can't believe its august already and classes are about to start. i've gone to about 11 boliches thus far so hopefully i'll start getting serious about life pretty soon. today we went to the recoleta cemetary finally which was really beautiful, filled with cute but semi-gross cats. eva duarte's grave was blahh some of the other ones were a lot nicer i thought. we also went to some kind of fair but didn't get anything. i made my first argentine purchase, a small wallet from a leather store in recoleta. also ate brunch at las violetas which was the best decision of the week...amazinggg raviolis with pesto sauce and really good coffee, and the cafe itself is really beautiful. i really like my almagro/caballito hood, i feel like it's a real argentine clase media experience. dinner sometimes is really weird - this week we had like lentil soup, muchos lentils and practically no soup. then we had meatballs with salad (random?) and another night we had like artichoke hearts over rice. my favorite plato so far is looks and tastes exactly like soup but they don't call it that. the broth they call sauce and it had carrots, potatos, noodles and some beef, it sounds really really simple but it's sooooo delicious and apparently very clase media, like you can't order it in restaurants.

i'm getting acclimated to life in bsas really fast, faster than i anticipated. i never really got culture shock. i feel like i had a short honeymoon phase and skipped the sad part and am just completely used to it, but coming from a big city already helps. it's bigger and more populous than nyc by far, it's spread out whereas manhattan has 9 million ppl crammed onto one skinny island. i've never been in a place where i really stand out from the rest of the population. i wouldn't call it a homogenous city but it's predominantly latino, obviously, and i don't look a bit latino. going out has def been an adjustment...ppl go out when we usually go home in the states...tonight we're getting dinner at like 11, it's very unusual but i kind of like it. bsas at night is completely different from bsas at daytime, it's interesting. this is the worst blog entry in the history of blog entries, sorry for anyone reading it i'll try to be more focused next time..ciao!


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