the colectivo killer

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires
July 30th 2008
Published: July 30th 2008
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orientation is almost over thank godd it's the worst ever. dinner tonight was borderline inedible - a mash of like undercooked rice, artichoke hearts, red peppers, raw onions and bacon. maite and i played espejo magico after dinner which is this red mirror that reflects a drawing so that you're able to copy it on the other side of the paper. and she told me i was a terrible artist and kicked me out of her room...we have a love/hate relationship, i want her to love me but not so much. i think i intimidate iñeqi, either that or he is just completely disinterested in me but he tends to stammer when i talk to him soo i'm thinking it's the former.

today we found a place near circolo italiano that serves frappucinos but of course i can't remember the name...probably won't go back anyway because the sandwiches were awful. last night charlotte and i didn't get into that concert so we had coffee at a place across from abasto on rivadavia that was amazing. my tiramisu was pretty good, and i had my first submarino (a tall glass of hot leche with a chocolate candy bar that you drop in and stir to create like hot chocolate - little overrated) but charlotte had a mixta cake that was amazingg a huge piece of biscotti, crema americana, dulce de leche, strawberries all encrusted in a chocolate shell...yummo. also the other day becca and i had pretty good cafe and mozzarella milanesa at tuñin across from las violetas (the line was too long) that was pretty good. we went after the fair at san telmo which was crazyy all these handmade knick knacks like mate holders, coasters, jewelry boxes, and really pretty journals that i refused to pay $40 pesos for. palermo soho was amazing too.

the colectivos or on strike because 2 of the drivers were murdered.. the 1st by a drunk guy who wanted the moneda out of the machine and killed the driver, i'm not sure about the second. it's annoying because it's not like nyc where all the subways intersect, here there are only 5 lines that go in straight lines and all meet at plaza de mayo....soo in order to connect to another line you have to go alllll the way down to the plaza and back up...or take radio taxi.

on another note, buenos aires is clinging to american oldies...they just won't let them taxis and on colectivos i've heard 80s and the beatles multiple times. at criss when we saw the live band with emily's host sister and her UBA friends they played bon jovi and journey...i've yet to see like an argentine rock band or even like a crazed pop star. amerika also played like funkytown, california dreaming, and old madonna. little girls are obsessed with hannah montana and high school musical, not much has changed there. iñeqi likes dragon ball z and resident evil....i don't know whether it's disappointing that the place doesn't have it's own franchises/crazes or if it's comforting to always have a piece of home here.

tonight we are going to post bar in palermo soho (thames and nicaragua) for ginny's birthdayyy even though i have a photo presentation at 9 in the morning, were only in bsas once right?


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