Exploring BA

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires
June 22nd 2007
Published: June 22nd 2007
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After a few hectic days we have decided to leave the big city and head to Mendoza, which is next to the Andes. There we hope to do lots of activities and we hope to do some skiing there too. We might be stuck there for a while as the road between Chile and Argentina is closed due to snow at the mo...Speaking of weather it has been quite ridiculous here. One day its thunder storms and yesterday it was absolutely gorgeous. So we decided to explore almost the whole of BA by foot, walking through a nature reserve, through to the slightly rougher area of la Boca into a district that had a very European feel about it. After our hike around town we just crashed, but after the night before it was no wonder. We went to a local football match in the rain and the team we were supporting were fighting not to be relegated. All the fans were going wild and watching them was more entertaining than the actual game which can only be desribed as a scrap in a mud bath. After that we went in search of somewhere to eat some steak and I swear I have never seen so much meat on a plate! That night it was also the Championship final and the local team la Boca were playing against a Brazilian team. la Boca won so BA just turned into one massive street party! Fireworks and all!! So we decided to join in the celebrations and headed to a swanky night club but at 5 pounds a drink we decided that at 4 in the morning it was time to head home....Well I shall report more when in Mendoza......hope you are all well xx


22nd June 2007

BA sounds wet!
Great to receive your link! not sure how it works, but no doubt i will learn. have fun in the snow!! - wot a bonus x x

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