Buenos Aires - Teatro Colon and Cmenterio de la Recoleta

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January 17th 2015
Published: January 17th 2015
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We took a tour of Teatro Colon a beautiul Opera House. It is located in central BA. We purchased tickets for about $15 US dollars and were told the next tour in English was in an hour and a half. We went out to lunch and came back in time for the tour. I recommend the tour, the opera house was designed by three architects, the first two died before the project was complete. The materials to build the opera house were imported from Europe, beautiful marble in different colors. Some of the walls are covered in gold, real gold not gold paint. There is a workshop in the opera house that makes all the sets, clothes and even the shoes used in the productions. I have included pictures of the opera house. Mark my husband takes all the pictures used in my blogs.

I have always enjoyed visiting cemeteries, in high school photo class I did a project on head stones. Mark is not such a big fan but he has to admit that Arlington in Washington DC was well worth the visit. So off we go to Cementerio de la Recoleta, located in Recoleta barrio. It was a hot day and all the cement in the cemetery seemed to make it hotter. There is no entrance fee but we did purchase a map for about $1.50 US. In addition to the map we were told where the most beautiful tombs are located. The most popular tomb is that of Eva Peron even though it is a simple black stone. There was a line of people waiting to take their picture in front of it. There are 6,400 tombs and mausoleums in the cemetery and more than 70 are National Historic Mounuments. So we enjoyed our visit to the cemetery and I would also recommend it to anyone visiting BA. I have included pictures of the tombs.

We have gotten very good at getting our way around the city. The metro is fast and so cheap but some places like the cemetery are not near a metro station so we take the bus. (there is a metro station but it is closed for renovation) The metro stations are decorated in murals of historical events. I have included pictures of some of the murals.

Bye for today


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