Cielo azul

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December 2nd 2008
Published: December 2nd 2008
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Not sure what this building is yet, but very cool.
Today was the first day we have seen sun. Supposedly it has been around 41 C before we got here, but we have only seen rainy, chilly, windy weather. Nuestra escuela de espaƱol es muy interesante, Marco quere comprar las empanadas.

Today, we ate breakfast with our German classmates, soaked up some sun in the Parque Lavalle after class, hung out with too many pigeons in the Plaza of the National Congress, and made a tasty home-cooked dinner of split pea-potato-carrot-rice soup.

Tomorrow we hope to go to the Ricoleta Cemetary after class. But we are also researching our next location. It looks like the area just north of Mar del Plata will be lovely, lots of traquil and pristine beaches. We will keep you posted as we know and learn more. Chau!

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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Perfect trash can placementPerfect trash can placement
Perfect trash can placement

National Congress Building, symmetry is very important here
Hostel FunHostel Fun
Hostel Fun

Mark had to teach me how to play chess again, and by the fourth or fifth game it was at least fair...

2nd December 2008

Ok I am not good with Celsius and Farenheit, but it was -1 F when I got up this morning. I would trade a little rain and clouds for the nasty cold weather we have right now. I am looking forward to hearing about your trip and seeing lots of pics. Take care. Stephanie
3rd December 2008

yay for the first pics of Buenos Aires
whoo hoo you have arrived! good to see you! how are the empanadas? beijos (as we say in portuguese) - kristine
3rd December 2008

Design nerd
Minsk you are funny. Fun stuff you two, thanks for the link and vicarious travel experience! Looking forward to hearing and seeing more.
4th December 2008

Laura y Mark- !Felicidades! por ustedes llegan en Sur America. Espero ustedes tienen un viaje muy emocionante. Chau, Tapia

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