dia del padre

Published: June 18th 2008
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So Father´s day in Buenos Aires consisted of a trip to the Barrio of San Telmo which has a large street fair on Sundays with Tango Shows and street vendors pawning off all sorts of trinkets. The tango was only so so and none of the trinkets were worth the precious space they would occupy in the one backpack we are carrying.

We then headed off to see La Floralis Genérica, a three story metal flower that opens during the day and closes at night. A pretty impressive construction that would look very cool at night.

Our evening activity was definitely one of the highlights of our trip thus far. We decided to go to a World Cup qualifying match between Argentina and Ecuador at Monumental Stadium on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. We went with a group organized by our hostel that included tickets and transportation. Somehow the ´guide´thought are seats were in the ecuadorian cheering section. The police that surrounded their section would not let us through to those seats so instead we stood a few rows up from the field in a group of Argentine fans.

Being that our seats, or rather, the place we were standing was directly in front of the Ecuadorians, it made for some pretty animated back and forth soccer chants by each group of fans. We weren´t exactly sure what each group was chanting but after Ecuador scored the first goal midway through the second half the Ecuadorian fans were chanting ¨Si se puede!!¨ which I believe means "yes you can." For the remainder of the second half the #1 ranked Argentine team was playing not quite as meticulously as they played the 1st half. But miraculously, during the very last minute of the game, during the 3rd and final minute of extended play, Argentina scored!! GOAL!!!!!!!! The stadium erupted and the fans went nuts. The Argentine fans then turned back to chant at the Ecuadorians "No se puede, No se puede!!" which translates to "no you can´t, no you can´t." Very entertaining, for sure!

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