La Costanera Sur

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February 5th 2008
Published: February 5th 2008
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El Rio de la PlataEl Rio de la PlataEl Rio de la Plata

This is looking out from the Costanera Sur.
Sun, Feb 4

Lesley and I spent the day at la Costanera Sur, a park and ecological preserve at the edge of the river. The history of this place is interesting - it is built on land that was filled for development in the 1970s, but apparently the project got derailed.

It was rather hot and crowded, but the birds were amazing. There are more than 200 species of birds in the park, and I was fascinated. I even bought a book so I could identify some of the species I saw.

A few whose names I figured out were the Cotorro (a type of parrot), the Cisne Cuello Negro (black necked swan), Cauquen Commun (a type of goose), and the Benteveo Comun.

There were tons of parades for Carnaval as we were trying to come home. We ended up taking a taxi because finding a bus seemed impossible.

Carnaval is celebrated mildly in Buenos Aires, nothing like you'd see in Brazil.

In the evening, we had a going away party for Mathilde who is leaving tomorrow.

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La Ciudad de Buenos AiresLa Ciudad de Buenos Aires
La Ciudad de Buenos Aires

This is looking from the park back toward Buenos Aires.

I think these are Cotorros, a type of parrot. They were very beautiful and very noisy.
Geese and SwansGeese and Swans
Geese and Swans

I wish I had been closer to get better pictures. This marsh was just filled with different kinds of birds.

There were tons of small Carnaval (mardi gras) celebrations in Buenos Aires this weekend, but nothing like you'd find in Brazil.

7th February 2008

Muchas gracias
Muchas gracias mi amiga... Me da mucho gusto que estes pasando un tiempo muy bueno por Buenos Aires. Pictures are amazing, thank you! Keep smiling and have fun... I envy you! I wish I can take some time off... I love reading your blog, please keep writing. I truly appreciate it :-) Un abrazote mi amiga!

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