It's good to be sailing again

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic
June 14th 2011
Published: July 25th 2011
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This morning was the funnest sail handling watch ever. We are riding up on the east side of a low pressure system which is giving us a force 5 fresh breeze and squallies. There were multiple squalls wthat blew through and loads of snappy sail handling and I finally did a royal stow chase and T'Gallant stow chase which redeemed myself form missing the last 2 opportunities - luckily (unfortunate for Nadja) she couldn't go up which I think gave me the chance for royals because my automatic thought is "there's probably already enough people running up/I'm too slow" but, I actually caught up to Pania and we did a rockin' fast stow! That was definitley a boost in confidence and accomplishment because I'm feeling like I'm starting to catch up/keep up with the more seasoned sailors and as different commands were being given I am able to get to the lines in time and even lowerd the upper tops'l yard today (a first!) - it was so much fun and I could feel my body getting used which I haven't felt in a while and even some muscular fatigue. That sprint up the ratlines and then quickly stowing sail had me all breathing hard and slightly shaky with adrenaline.
Last night we had the bestest dinner on board: salted fish salad, super colorful green salad, dumplings and taro. And today's lunch super tasty: couscous, sausage and super colorful salad again. So tasty I feel so perfectly satsified that I don't want 2nds! Weird! Anyway, supersail handling watch was super fun and I'm happy I can respond fast enought to the orders now because it feels like I'm really contributing to something. We also turned the engine on during my helm hour (10am) to motor sail push through a trough and I think made it up to almost 9 knots as squalls continued to blow through. I finished the 2nd seem on my sea bag and I've also sort of started hording food. I have an apple and a hard boiled egg in my bunk right now in case one of the meals has food I don't like or the apples run out. It's so nice to be eating nice fuit and veggies now. Nadja picked up lots of organic sutffi in bermuda and you can tast such a difference. Night look out last night had a super bright almost full silvery shining moon. I'm thinking, trying to picture and wondering what Luenengery is going to be like as well as returning to life in nyc I feel a little concerned about that adjustment, but also looking forward to ceratin aspects. I am also startng to feel a sense of accomplishment of some of the things I've learned since on the Picton Castle. I am reminded on how easily distracted I get by the grass is greener mentality. For example, being at big parties with lots of different social corners and conversations versus small group intimate conversations; all hands sail handling when I see other new guys do something I haven't done yet. Also, I notice how much my fear of failure/making mistakes stales me from trying to do something new/putting myself out there for new tasks/jobs when it's all hands - and yet there were a couple new things I've done today without hesitation. But, I guess another part of it is not feeling someone is going to push you out of the way to do it better to "show" you (like opening the fricken coconut with a knife/machette - I must've been interrupted 3 times on 3 different occasions by 3 different people when attempting to open it myself - only to have someone swoop in, take it from me and "show me how it's done - this of course ended when I finally snapped, told the person off and finally did it myself). Or if the more experienced others give you a sense of trusting your ability/capability - it feels like it gives me permission to not only step in and do it but to do it right.


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