Lakes to the left of me, Mountains to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with ewe!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island
November 29th 2006
Published: November 29th 2006
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Well the rumours are true - New Zealand is beautiful with spectacular scenery, although we always knew that would be the case given it’s similarity to Scotland (albeit on a much larger/grander scale)! We arrived in Christchurch about a week ago and have been busy on the tourist trail - given the number of activities and location changes during our road trip round NZ we’ve decided to change o... Read Full Entry

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30th November 2006

hurray for seeing some penguins :D :D aren't they just the cutest little things ever. NZ looks as fabulous as everyone says it is. Looks as though the weather is Scottish like to me as well as the scenery. Brrrr. It's good practise for what's to come once you get back to bommie scotland - tis freezing here. can't wait tos ee you guys xxx
30th November 2006

See ewes!!
Thank you for taking the time to keep us posted. Brilliant to see you both looking so good, although a bit cold - I think it sounds warmer here at the moment!! All those fleeces etc will come in handy when you get back. Again, the blog is amazing and it does look so beautiful - I can imagine it reminds you of Scotland, not least the place names, as well as the lovely scenery and landmarks. I never cease to be moved by the scale of your trip and all that you are seeing and experiencing. Memories to last a lifetime and you are both making the most of every opportunity to take in everything you can. Well done you two!! Can't wait to see you. Much love and continue to take good care of each other. Mum xxx
30th November 2006

Love conquers all!
Hola! I am sitting here with the Atlas out following your route. Further ahead there is an area called Cape Foulwind so don't bother getting out of your luxury home on wheels there. Pity about the weather but you are still grinning from ear to ear in the close ups so the weather isn't dampening down your quest for adventure. The wonderful sights you are seeing; the changing landscapes - and don't forget the penguins-will more than make up for the weather I'm sure. The colour of the water at Lake Tekapo is spectacular. You looked a real dab hand with the stone grill Heather-can believe that ithe food tasted great. That was an amazing construction behind you in the park, Simon-a little more detail perhaps when you come home. Wonderful to catch up with your latest trip and glad to hear that you are enjoying your camper van experience a little more this time. Safe journey onwards and upwards-are you going to fit everything in?? Love to you both. Big hugs, Mum xxx
3rd December 2006

Hale bonny.
New Zealand looks almost as bonny as Scotland! Shame they couldn't spell Dun Eideann right....That's weird having hail storms in the equivalent of our June doon there, but then again we can get some coorse weather here at all times of the year too. I'm happy to see you're getting to experience so much good stuff during your travels, you're baith looking weel! Love and xxxx

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