Water Based Fun..

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August 11th 2006
Published: August 25th 2006
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Jet Boating on The Buller RiverJet Boating on The Buller RiverJet Boating on The Buller River

Wasnt the most comfortable experience of my life

White Water Rafting and Jet Boating

Finally got the chance to white water rafting after the weather conspiring against us in River Valley, unfortunately this river was only a grade 3-4 compared to river valleys 5. Though as it was the first time i had ever done it, this made little difference as had no real point of reference. Mind you when you were on the rapids you could tell they were quite a bit tamer, than you would have expected. Was all good fun though, and we were offered the chance to go down one of the rapids in the water (obv with a life jacket on), which i gleefully accepted. It is of course winter though and the water was absolutely freezing - so much so that on hitting the water ones chest immediately constricted, and you have to fight your mind to get over the initial panic. That panic goes quickly enough though and you are just left to try and paddle freezing cold towards the rapids, as soon as we got onto them I immediately hit my backside on a rock and so thought i better lie flatter on the water which caused me to swallow about a million gallons of water. It was all enjoyeable and before you knew it you were back on the boat, other than that, jumping off a high rock into the water and going down the rapids standing up - it was about it. And it was off to a hostel in another ghost like town, where we got stitched because everyone else seemed to have some kind of little appartment - whereas we were left in the tiniest room imaginable.

Next morning we had a choice of activity between Jet Boating, Horse Riding and Quad Biking. I think deep down i would have like to have done the horse riding but was a little scared i'd be rubbish and having already done quad biking, i went for the Jet Boating. Bad decision. They warned us that it was painful when it was raining, and it was literally tipping it down. The trouble is that you tend just to ignore these warnings as you get so many of them, not that it would have made much difference but this was definitely one worth paying attention to. As soon as we were on the boat it was hell, it was absolutely freezing and you go so fast you feel like your face is being sandblasted by the rain. It was an hour ride as well, and after 20 minutes i didnt think it would ever end, but eventually you sort of get used to it. As its a jet boat its not only fast but can function in 4 inches of water and perform various tricks. It was actually pretty good once the driver started to do a load of 360 degree spins as it helped take ones mind off the freezing cold and driving rain. So with a freshly exfoliated face it was onto the next destination.


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