A quick catch up!

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March 26th 2009
Published: March 26th 2009
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So I have decided to start a travel blog as I know I am awful at keeping in contact with everyone!! This way if you are interested in anything I'm doing you can write me messages and see what I'm up to etc.

I know I'm a bit late in starting this as I have been away for five months now, but better late than never....So here goes with a quick catch up of the last 5 months.....

Auckland - To be honest nothing special here, just another city! But took a day trip to Waiheke Island which really beautiful with one of the best beaches I seen in a while and provided my first opportunity to pick up precious things from the beach 😊

Then headed down to Taupo and Roturua, which are both wonderful towns, apart from the smell in Roturua. Its built on sulphur springs so it does have a funny odour about the place. I went to a Maori cultural evening which was really interesting and loads of free food 😊 As soon as I can be bothered I'll put some pictures up!

Then it was down to Wellington, which is one of my favourite places in NZ! The city has a different feel to it then any other town I've been to in New Zealand. Its called the cultural capital, and it does have a kinda 'artsy' feel to it! Again, I will put some pictures up to show what I mean!

Anway, then to Blenhiem for 6 weeks on the vineyards, well, the less said about that the better!

Then to the wonderful town of Franny J (Franz Josef to those of you not in the know!)

I know this is a very condensed version of the last 5 months, so here is a list of things I have learnt along the way

1. Be wary of the lifts at ACP backpackers in Auckland
2. Never take wine for granted, alot of blood, sweat and tears went into that bottle!
3. Never drink cointreau bombs, they smell good, but taste foul
4. A glacier is basically a big chunk of ice on the side of a mountain
5. Take anything that is free
6. It is possible to slip on ice even when wearing crampons
7. Pineapple chunks are the truth

I'm sure i'll think of other things to add to that list. I must have learnt more than 7 things in the last 5 months! hmmm

Anway, I'm in Wanaka at the moment, just been relaxing after a hectic nine weeks in Franny J. I have been sitting by the lake and playing alot of pool and frisbee.

Despite the fact Franny J was a very small town, I still miss it, actually I miss the people more than the place! But i know I will see all those miscreants in Dunedin in a few weeks 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 55, Displayed: 23



I dont know why there was a field of fake mushrooms, but there was!

It was so beautiful there

I thought this shell looked like it was going to eat all the other shells

These hot pools are the reason Roturua is so stinky
East CoastEast Coast
East Coast

This place was near Gisbourne, its was stunning
I'm so hotI'm so hot
I'm so hot

We wadded out to sea to feed the sting rays, they were huge and one kept humping my leg!!

26th March 2009

miss u
hey, just want to say that i miss u! went yesterday to landing for a quiet one and it was just nicki and me, miss good old times and drunken nights =) just have to say that the lifts in ACB are the worst ever I spent a lot of time in them... =) take care and i see you soon ;)

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