Most amazing thing ever !!!

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March 5th 2009
Published: March 5th 2009
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Skydive lake Wanaka - 10 minute plane ride to 12000 ft, 45 second freefall, 5 minute parachute ride.


I always thought it must feel pretty cool to skydive, and it was one of the things that I wanted to do in New Zealand - but I had no idea what it would really be like (it was way more)

I was a bit nervous this morning on the bus, as I was been dropped off with a couple of other folks at 10:00 for the Lake Wanaka skydive. Once I got there I just got excited and spent about 20 minutes grinning while I got suited up and waited for my dive partner and camera man. At the plane we got a couple of instructions (hips out , legs back, head back - when he taps you on the shoulder you can spread your arms - and keep smiling !) There were 3 jumpers in my plane, once I hopped in I realized that as last in - I was first out!! There was a little bit of 'holy shit here we go' as you are sitting on the edge of the plane, but still with a big smile on my face - and then just amazing. You feel like you're tumbling a little bit when you first go, once you even out and get your arms out I was just in awe, it was the most incredible feeling. I think my eyes were huge, my mouth hanging open, and just kept thinking wow! After the shute goes up you have about 5 min to cruise back to the ground and it's like walking on air - you feel like a giant.

I know some of you have done it, I hope your experience was as great as mine - if you've never tried it I totally recommend it, let me know if you're going, I would love to do it again !!

I spent the rest of today in a great mood - feeling a bit giddy ever time I thought about the jump - I even treated myself to a surf and turf dinner just to cap off the most amazing day !!

.... in the half hour since I wrote this - my day got even better - my little nephew finally arrived !! Congrats Jess, Cin and Sadie and welcome Elmer Reid !!

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5th March 2009

Looks like you're still having an amazing trip E! Can't wait to see you in May so I can show off the new boy! Keep safe, have fun, don't forget the rocks. J.

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