I learnt to board today!!!

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August 13th 2010
Published: August 13th 2010
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 Video Playlist:

1: Snowboarding 1 28 secs
2: Snowboarding 2 4 secs
3: Snowboarding 3 26 secs

Not board up a window, not lay floorboards, but actually strap my feet to a board and travel over snow (slush) at an incredibly slow speed...

But it does not feel slow.

I have to thank the lovely, lovely Carly here - she is incredibly patient and suprisingly good at containing laughter. She does mock occationally....

Boarding is NOT as easy as it looks and I now have a lot of respect for boarders. So so much fun though!
And it is a completely different muscle set. There was one point where my legs hurt so much that I (mock) screamed out in pain and an instructor came running over looking very worried to ask if I was alright. Carly looked suitably mortified and I continued looking like a girl in pain, because after a certain point of muscle spasaming it is impossible to lie...

Anyways, a great day was had - but I am shattered. I had an hour and a halfs bath with chocolate, red wine and a very trashy novel and it looks like I may be in bed by nine. Sheer bliss!

Thanks again to Carly.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Looking cool...Looking cool...
Looking cool...

I keep seeing the cool kids stike this pose.. I'm still not sure why...
'Magic' Carpet'Magic' Carpet
'Magic' Carpet

Thankfully she didn't photo me nearly falling over here...
Random snowmanRandom snowman
Random snowman

because why the hell not?

14th August 2010

By the looks of the pictures and blogs, you seem to be having an amazing time - not jealous at all!! will email you with the (lack of) news!
16th August 2010

Hi Sophie hey cool or what! xxx dad

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