Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it's just an insult!

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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown
July 29th 2010
Published: July 29th 2010
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So, a bit of an insulting day:
First lift of the morning, went down the singles line (as in solo lift rider, not a new form of snow speed dating) and was added to a group of three with the line 'you three and this girl... it is girl isn't it?'. Yes it's girl, jeeze!!
Then this evening,on walking into the pub I wa greeted by the line 'what's wrong with your face?'. So much for the self esteem...
Actually the latter line turned out to be from a very sweet, all be it tactless, young man whoes girlfriend also suffers from eczema around the eyes (for those of you who haven't seen me on skype recently my face is resembling someone who has been badly sunburnt around the eyes - kind of the opposite to everyone elses goggle tan lines). The said couple then went on to tell me about a natural product called extra virgin coconut oil which she has found to be very effective. They then proceeded to dissapear back to their hostel and return back to the pub with a very large tub of the stuff for me. How lovely is that? So fingers crossed to a speedy recovery.
I had a nice girly evening with Carly eating pizza, drinking very nice central otago pinot noir and watcing the film Julie and Julia, which was actually pretty good despite it's chick flick persona. All in all a lovely evening.
Now I'm tired and my lovely electric blanket is calling. Night!


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