Queenstown, New Zealand

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November 25th 2006
Published: November 25th 2006
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So they say that once you arrive in Queenstown you'll never want to leave...I have already removed the tyres from our van.

Queenstown has a great laidback vibe to it, with plenty of funky board shops, cafes and art galleries on every corner. In addition to bus loads of tourists ready to be shiped to the next hair raising activity.

We started out Queenstown adventure in a rather laid back style attending a Maori evening. We were firstly had a welcoming and then a performance which included the Haka. Brilliant to see close up. This was then followed by the traditional meal of Hangi which involves cooking the food in a hole in the ground. Food was delicious, performance was brilliant and it was a really great evening.

Our second day involved the Shotover Canyon Swing which involves throughing yourself off a 105m high platform, freefalling 60m and then swinging into a canyon! I have alwasy wondered how I would react to be petrified...my response is along the lines of 'Hoo He Ha Ha' which I repeated numerous times before I jumped. Christie, who was helping me to jump, asked if it was Scottish, I really don't know where that one came from. But my body was shaking a hell of a lot and at one stage I didn't think I would do it! I always knew I would meet someone from Madras College, just didn't think he would push me off a bridge. Kevin Umsworth, my other helper went to Madras College and left for New Zealand 12 years ago. I sat next to his brother Peter in Science. Like they say, a small world huh? Anyway Me and Neil successfully did the jump. Neil did flap around like a girl on the way down much to everyones amusement! Trust me, if you saw what we jumped, flapping would be the last thing on your mind. Website is www.canyonswing.co.nz.l...i think!

Finally day three involved rafting down Shotover River. Having never rafted before I thought its was brilliant fun but gave me a very uneasy feeling! I think it is because the guide is constantly telling you the safety measures if you fall out and as we were reminded on the bus ride down, not everyone has come back from rafting the Shotover. We tackled upto grade four rapids, got soaked but finished with big smiles on our faces.

Queenstown is a unique place, filled with numerous people doing jobs that they love which ultimately leads to a really relaxed and chilled place to be! I'm not surprised so many people are drawned to the wonders that New Zealand has to offer. With places like Queenstown, who can blame them!


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