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May 23rd 2008
Published: May 23rd 2008
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Ok, I admit it, I'm in love with New Zealand - it's absolutely GORGEOUS here! I know I spent 3 months in Oz and have only been here a week so far, but all that I've experienced so far has just been stunning scenery, a laidback atmosphere, and friendly people - lovin' it!

On my arrival, I pretty much crashed at the YHA hostel, but even the bus trip from the airport to the town was pretty nice - some great houses along there! Managed to raise myself from my bed the following morning at about 11.30 (9.30 Oz time so not too bad!!) and went for a run in the Botanical Gardens - and I know I said I was a little sick of Botanic Gardens by the end of Oz, but these were really nice ones, and it was quite comforting running on a cold crisp day - reminded me of home a little... Spent the remainder of the day meandering through town - up to Cathedral Square, down by the Avon River watching some people feeding the ducks, and up to the Bridge of Remembrance. I actually even decided to go to an evensong service at the Cathedral, and although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to sing any hymns, it was still quite nice!

That evening, I met Wayne at the airport, and we had one day to spend in Christchurch before heading on to Kaikoura, so we went to the markets at the Arts Centre, visited the Cathedral properly (and climbed the ridiculous number of steps to the top where you can get a great view of Cathedral Square and the rest of the town) and went punting on the Avon River (with an English guide - how ironic!) We then headed to the pub for a couple of drinks and then an early night as we had another early start the next morning - our first day on the Kiwi Experience!

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Autumn leaves in the Botanic GardensAutumn leaves in the Botanic Gardens
Autumn leaves in the Botanic Gardens

And yes, I'm still finding leaves everywhere!

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