The last couple of days

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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch
December 31st 2007
Published: January 1st 2008
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You will be glad to hear the weather is still great, i hope its this warm in the UK !! Ha Ha !!
Yesterday we had a quiet day & just went for a wonder around Christchurch, its a very nice city with a mixture of old & new.
As it is holiday time there are various street performers around & bands playing in squares etc.

We had a ride around the town centre on the old trams with a running commentry from a guy that tried to be Peter Kay,......... he failed, but at least he tried.

Yesterday evening Jessica followed her Dad & brother with the "Need for Speed" as she decided to go "Hooning" ( Kiwi word for "tearing about") around on Rhodri's quad, she didnt bother to get used to it she just took off at full speed with a big grin on her face !!

Today New Years eve we went to a NZ nature park, the kids had great fun feeding the huge Eels with raw meat. We saw some genuine NZ Kiwi birds & the parot type thing in the photo drew blood out of my finger. Everyone said it was my own fault for putting my finger out but i expected it to jump onto it not try to eat it.

After the nature park we had a ride down to Sumner bay ( No Sumner bay not Summer bay sorry all you Home & Away fans !). The kids ran riot on the beach as they do, we found a star fish but i forgot to take a photo of it so you will have to trust me on that one. We had a walk through the caves on the beach, i tried my best to loose the kids but they managed to find there way out.

On the way home we had a ride over Summit Road for some great views over Christchurch & down the other side of the hills to Diamond Bay.

We are trying to decide what to do for new years eve but it may be a quiet one in front of the TV with a "few Tinnies", we cant even watch all the celebrations around the world because NZ is one of the first places to see in the new year. Hey ho never mind at least we will be among the first to say

"Happy New Year 2008"

We hope you all have a great time................. toss me another shrimp on the barbie Steve i will be with you in a moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year from

Kenton Jane Jessica & Oscar

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