New Zealand - South Island

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March 5th 2015
Published: March 5th 2015
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Hi everyone, well we decided not to travel up to Christchurch and go out on a sailing boat to see Dolphins. We went on a lovely old 1920's sail boat, New Zealand's oldest gaff-rigged ketch, named the Fox II, with a friendly crew. They took us out into the harbour and we saw so many Dolphins known as Hector dolphins, there are only about 2 1/2 thousand left of these little things and they are very small. We saw blue penguins but they dived down as soon as they saw us as they are very timid. On we sailed, headed out to the ocean, bit choppy in some places but good fun, Captain Roy said if we continued to sail straight and go for 5,000 miles, we'll be in Chile. (I fancy seeing Chile ! ). We saw albatross and black shags and terns (sea birds), beats a sea gull !!! saw a seal colony of seals, lazy lot were sunning themselves on rocks. We sailed towards caves and volcanic sea cliffs and rock formations. Fantastic trip, just loved the Dolphins and the blue penguins. Captain Roy gave us a history lesson on the French and the English arriving in Akaroa and back in the 1800's this was the place where everyone came to when they came off the ships, there was no Christchurch or any other town built. We had a lovely day, very hot here, now off to get a beverage from our 'SHED', ehhh our bedroom !!!!

We're leaving tomorrow and driving 4 hours to another place called Oamarau.

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5th March 2015

Hi,you two do make me laugh!! Can imagine your face when Stu first drove the car!! It really looks beautiful,what a great start to your trip, There could be a new business opportunity on your return,letting the summer house out!! It is Thursday morning here,Beautiful sunny morning,frost and blue skies:-) Daron is in Poland for a couple of days.this is our funeral weekend,so must do something cheerful in between. Looking forward to more blogs,photos and history lessons from you. Love Dolly.x

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