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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington
December 16th 2007
Published: December 16th 2007
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We woke this morning to more blinding sunshine, and amazingly blue sky's, the clouds looked as if they had been painted on as they were so amazing!!!

We got on the road to Wellington, as its taken us almost 5 hours to get here, granted we have taken our time, but it was the longest drive yet.

Its really easy to navigate round NZ, everything is well signposted, the only challenge is the mountain passes which are really really curvey at times. The Mountains are really stunning here, covered in really dense trees that looked like tall broccoli at times!

Most of the drive was through farming country and we passed through hundreds of Wineries, but we have a day in the south island planned for immersing ourselves in vinyards so we just cracked on with the drive.

We arrived in Wellington City just after 3pm and jumped on the historic cable car to the top, then walked back to the centre through the botanic gardens which was nice.

We then headed back to the beach at "days bay" and walked along a really long pier out to sea and watched young lads pinging themselves off the end, and loads of people fishing. After heading back to the van we cooked some chilli and rice, before eating it on the beach and then were lucky enough to witness a wee jack russell humping a huge pit bull dog as the sun set....how romantic...seriously it was too funny but I guess you had to be there!!!

Off for a game of pool now to prove that my skills are not just down to beginners luck ......waaa haaa haa

Cat x


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