First Leg of Tri-Nation Tour

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November 10th 2006
Published: November 10th 2006
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Me after the rain stormMe after the rain stormMe after the rain storm

Can You belive it can rain so much the day after i arrive - I defo brought it out with me!!
Hello ppl :-)

I am not really sure where to begin - well i am really........i bloody love australia. It is the best place i have ever been to in my life. So i arrived a week ago, landing in Brisbane last Friday morning. As soon as i arrived i headed straight for the solicitors to sign for the house and get everything sorted. I then headed for the house we have been waiting so long to see - it was well worth it.

Havent got many photos of the house as yet as it is full of boxes and want to get photos of me looking settled in. Also i have the problem that i seem to have brought the british weather over here with me. I arrived on Fri morn and it was ok weather - a bit dull - but sooo hot. I moved into my house on Fri and had an ealry night to try and get settled in.

Woke up about 3.30 sat morn and couldnt get back to sleep so started unpacking a load of boxes - which made me feel a little more at home - cos i have to say at this time i was starting to think - oh my god what have i done - i soon went back to bed tho and maneged to sleep until about 10 am.

Spent most of the day in a shopping centre near me - well i say near me. The nearest bus stop was 20 mins from my house, and just as a i was setting off the bus the first Brisabne srtorm of my life hit me. I then had to walk 20 mins in the rain and when i say rain i should mention that i had never seen anything like this in my life before. By the time i got home it was liked i had just jumped in a swimming pool and the bags i were carrying were more full of water than shopping. ?But hey - i live in Queensland now - we are in a drought so this is good - honest!!!!!

After stripping off at my front door i went back to bed for a couple of hours and then headed to the ciry to watch the tri nations game in sydney on the tv. Myt friend once said to me the blokes in Aus will just come over and speak to you - but i didnt beleiver her - however within about 20 mins of being there i met a bloke :-) In fact in the past week there hasnt been a day go by when i havent seen him. He even got up at a silly hour in the morning to take me to the airport to get to NZ. The people pver here are so much more firendly and far more beautiful :-)

I went to South Bank beach on Sunday and that was great - a beach built in the city - full of thin women and fit blokes - so i didnt strip down to my bikini :-(

The best thing is the public transport - I get up and down by travelling on the city cat - a little ferry type thing up and down the river it is ace.

So all in all i love it. It is quite late at night in NZ and I have had a few large glasses of red wine so I am gonna disappear now - but I just want to say:

1. To all my pals in Hudds - I miss ya
2. To all mu pals in yablons - I miss ya
3. To all - I miss ya

Love you all loads - keep in touch - or i might just come home ;-)



10th November 2006

returning home
Not that i dont miss you,but dont you dare come home or not untill i have had a free holiday! you done me proud, dad xxx
11th November 2006

miss u
I want to come! I want to come! I want to come! big kisses Em
11th November 2006

Having a drink for you
Becky and sam are are drinking ozzy wine in your honour (is Hardys austrailian?). We misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you and Miles sends kisses. Ring me soon babes xx
11th November 2006

woah..... house looks nice kath..tek it easy
12th November 2006

Sounds like your having a good time , Im trying to trace the "Manby" name Any ideas ? if so my email address is Cheers Steven Manby

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