My farm in Martinborough

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November 3rd 2014
Published: November 3rd 2014
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20th October-I forgot to say in yesterday's entry that we finished the night off by stealing a double seater chair with wheels from the back door of the arena where the Diwali festival was and went pushing each other around on it. It was kind of a tesco trolley much fun! One of the boys pushed me and another girl along a green and into a bench and we ended up in a heap...I expect I'll have a nice bruise on my leg. My tattoo was sore like a bruise for the first couple of days but now it feels okay but it's getting's a bit itchy and so tempting to pick but of course I won't. I'm making sure I'm using the special cream twice a day 😊 I hope it heals okay.

So today I packed up and checked out of my room and then just soaked up the remainder of my wifi at the hostel. I nipped out for lunch and some essentials before chucking my bags on and heading to the train station. It took about two and a half hours to get from Wellington to Martinborough and when I arrived I wasn't really sure where I was meeting my hosts but luckily when I got off the bus from the station Michelle's husband Andy was waiting for me. He seems very nice and she seems very strict! I'd envisaged me staying in my own self contained area but I'm actually living with them and their kids. They've got a four year old called Abby who's very bouncy, but very cute, a ten year old called George who is also very nice and a twelve year old called Harry who's currently at boarding school. Andy has two other kids too called Jake and Charlie who are in their twenties.

They also have two dogs called Toddy and Snip. Toddy is ancient bless him and has to stay outside because he's smelly and Snip is an English Springer Spaniel like Dad's dog. They also have two cats that are brother and sister called Socks and Ginger. I think you can guess that Socks is black with white feet and Ginger is obviously ginger. After dinner Andy started cleaning up so I offered to help and he said not to worry and to start tomorrow. Then Michelle came back into the room and was like 'um are you helping?' For a split second I thought what am I doing here? I felt my cheeks just flare up! Andy then said he had told me not to but I just dove in anyway.

So I've learned my way around the kitchen and unpacked my bags. My room is nice with a double bed and it's nice to put my things Birthday cards are up 😊 They don't have any wifi atm as they lent their box to their friend....I do hope it comes back soon as my sis will be worrying. I don't even have any credit 😞 I also left my adapter behind in the hostel. Boo! They're all in bed by like 9pm so I guess I'll have plenty of time to write my blog and Skype etc. Although they did say I can do whatever I like and to treat it like my own home which is nice. Andy is really nice, but then the guys always are. I think I'll like Michelle in time once I get used to her as she seems to know how to get the job done....she's just a little scary. She runs a horse trekking business and high ropes course. On my days off I'll be allowed to ride and an Austrian au pair is arriving Wednesday so hopefully we'll get along. I start work at 9am and she has to be somewhere in the morning so said she's going to leave me with a few jobs. I'm going to try my best to get them all done and do them well so she doesn't regret taking me on.

21st October-So today I had my first day of proper work. Firstly I was set the task of pulling out the weeds from the flower beds.....and there are five massive flower beds! It's quite therapeutic but got it hurts your back and legs! I can remember my Mum always trying to get me to help her with the weeding....I'd run. I also had a go at feeding the two little lambs...cute! After that I dug all the weeds out of the patio with a knife before setting up a bedroom for the au pair that's coming on Wednesday. Michelle only asked me to make up the bed but I decided to dust and Hoover too so it's all nice for her. She then left to go to work for a few hours so I was like 'what shall I do?' so she gave me the task of cleaning the know like when the kids put their fingers everywhere and dogs shake in the house? I took a look at the skirting boards and thought hmm they could use a clean too. And it didn't stop there....I cleaned all the kitchen cupboards and ran the Hoover through. I think I've made the impression I was after 😊 After dinner I finished the night off by helping George bake his cupcakes for the school competition tomorrow.

22nd October-So today I had a little lie in before we took Abby's lamb and George's dog to school for pet day. So cool! Kids brought calves, hamsters and all sorts! They never had pet day at my school! We were lucky if we got show and tell. Although I do remember almost having to take my baby guinea pig to school in year six because it was being hand fed every two hours....but it died in the night :/ Abby won two thirds and a second and George decided he didn't want to get out of the car so poor snip didn't get to participate. After lunch the real work started and I mowed the lawns for the first now my arms are killing me too! I felt a bit embarrassed when I said I'd never mowed a lawn :/ It makes you think twice about having a lot of grass! After that I just pegged out some washing, tidied the linen cupboard and cleaned the pantry. The kitchen can keep you going for hours! I found a pair of jodhpurs but they're just slightly too small! Wah!

Before dinner I bounced around on the trampoline with the kids and then Barbara the au pair arrived all the way from Austria bless her! She seems sweet and can ride too so guess what we'll be doing on our days off?! 😊 Dinner was amazing but I ate way too much! Michelle told me today that I'm a keeper woo! She also plied me with wine so all good signs. I played bat down with the kids which is basically when you hit he ball and whoever gets to it first rolls it to the bat and if it hits it it's their turn to bat. I then gave Abby a piggy back out to see the horses they have near the house and they have a gorgeous Palomino pony who's thirty so I can't ride him....gutted! Ps my beautiful shellac nails are beginning to chip 😞

23rd October-Happy Birthday to my brother in law Roddy! 😊 This morning I had to dig three veggie gardens and pull all the weeds out of them. It only took half an hour per box and now all you can see are the beautiful strawberry plants 😊 I was so proud I took photos! Then this afternoon I was set the task of cleaning the windows which isn't so bad I guess....there's only like fifty of the bloody things! Barbara gave me a hand because she was bored. Michelle is letting her rest to get over her jet lag. Not all the windows got done but we got the main living areas done inside and out. I then had a siesta whilst Andy cooked spag bol. He then left us to dish up and mind the kids whilst he went to play a game of tennis. Michelle arrived home late with their other son Harry who's home from boarding school for a long weekend as it's Labour weekend. He's so polite! Fair play they've got a nice bunch of kids.

24th October-Today we had to go to a town called Masterton about half an hour away to pick up Michelle's car from its service and one of her horses. I got to drive the au pair car which is an automatic....something else new! It didn't take long to get used to. You don't insure drivers over here, just the much easier! We went to pick up the horse Febe so I went and caught her and walked her into the horse box. I then followed Michelle all the way out to the farm, unloaded the horse and then helped Tess the stable girl clean some tack before we went for a ride. We were meant to be clearing the river path for the horses but the weather was miserable so we stayed inside. We braved a ride over the mountain which in hindsight was not the best decision as we got caught in a hail storm and the wind was insane. I was riding a mare called Moon and she was a bit frisky and a bit of a diva. She freaked out a bit when it started to hail and I shit my pants so we got off and walked for a bit until it died down. I was a bit annoyed at myself for getting so scared but these things happen. This evening I thought that's it with these nails and off I picked them! Don't think I'll get them done again though as they wreck your nails a bit :/

25th October-This morning I was woken up by Andy yelling for us girls to get out of bed for breakfast....we had it all cooked and waiting for us 😊 I then had the job of planting veggies in one of the boxes I'd dug. This was hard work on the back....that old familiar feeling that I do not miss! After that I just carried on with my window cleaning duties....still not finished though! I then took Barbara and the kids out to the farm....pressure or what with three of someone else's kids in the back of the car! My sister doesn't even let me take my nephews out. But we all arrived safe and sound and whilst Barbara babysat I went out for a ride with some other customers. This time I rode a pony called Badger and he's adorable! A bit little and a bit of a plod but I'm not used to these big open hills and winds so I was quite happy. We got to have a cheeky canter too 😊

After I'd helped clean the tack used in the day and we'd but the horses away I joined everyone else for a BBQ in the house (so this is Michelle's parents house). There are another two workawayers here from England who are lovely. I've been scared for life his evening as we saw a rabbit and her baby running across the lawn and Andy shot the baby....I very nearly cried! Fucking farmers! Finally we got back home around eight, fed the lambs, put Peaches (one of the lambs) back in her paddock as she'd broken free and took the horses into another paddock as the one was chasing the lambs, picking them up by their bums and then dropping them before tramping them. We don't really want to have to tell Abby that one of the horses killed her pet lamb. We then settled down to watch a film before bed.

26th October-It's Sunday and I'm dying for a day off! I need a lie in badly! I haven't done an hours work for the past six months so this is killing me! This morning I had to water my veggies, chuck the washing on the line, clean the microwave (which I'd been eyeing up anyway) and pour their homemade olive oil from their trees into the empty wine bottles I'd cleaned. I'm gaining so many life skills! Pretty easy morning really. I kind of felt a bit bad that I was getting to ride and Barbara wasn't, but it's all good now because we both went for a ride this afternoon. Barbara is more experienced than me so she rode Delta but he was really naughty at the start of the ride and just took off with her and she ended up falling off :/ All was well though and they became friends. This time we stayed lower down and did the river ride....beautiful! I think I'm in love with Badger! I've asked Michelle if he can be my horse whilst I'm here and she said yes because he needs work. Preferably I'd like to be on a horse as he's very small and only got little legs bless him, but we're a good match 😊 I taught Barbara how to use the car on the way home from the farm and she's not bad but hugs the verge a bit which makes me a tad nervous.

Their old dog Toddy has had a bit of a rough day bless him....his back end was all shaky and he couldn't get up. He is fifteen and his days are probably numbered but you can tell that Andy doesn't want to let him go, so sad. So he went to the vets and had some painkillers and arthritis injections and we made him a lower bed as he likes the sofa. He's eating and getting up to go to his water bowl so he seems okay at the moment. Fingers crossed he stays that way. Andy's friend came over for dinner and brought cheeses etc for nibbles so we all sat there with wine and ate total fat! I then had a post cheese nap before dinner. I tried Venison which was really tasty. I've never eaten it because deers are so cute, but I caved under pressure. After dinner we had a go at shooting George's air rifle at a target and I hit it....right on the edge! I then spent the evening chilling on the sofa with a cuppa next to Toddy to keep him company.

27th October-Well I was really looking forward to today as there was supposed to be a big group coming up to the farm for horse treks, so I was going to help out at the stables but it was pissing rain and almost the whole house has come down with a sickness bug....I who am made of steel has survived it woop woop! So I chilled with Toddy and watched TV. Sadly though this afternoon he wasn't doing so well and so Andy took him to the vets and got him put to sleep 😞 He was so upset bless him....I always find it really hard when you see a grown man cry. I cried too! I just tidied up a bit and fed people tea and toast.

28th October-Today we didn't have a lot to do so just had a general tidy up of the house, I ran the Hoover around and did endless amounts of washing. I nipped out and fed the horses their hay before going to explore the local village with Barbara as we had the afternoon off. The car wouldn't start at first so we had to jump start it. Michelle said we must have left something on but I'm pretty sure we didn't. There's not a lot in town so we just had a coffee and a nose around the shops. I found out about a gym and pool like a five minute walk away so am going to join it for a month. Will only cost £25 😊

29th October-Today was our day off yay! We decided to check out Masterton. The car wouldn't start so we jump started it again and dropped it off at the garage to get sorted whilst we went shopping. I didn't get much....just a few essentials and a pair of nice sandals for going out. We shared dishes over lunch and Barbara drove us home. She does love those verges! She also likes her speed lol! We had fish curry for dinner and Andy's friend Elvis came around again.

30th October-Today we were supposed to take Abby to kindy but she wasn't feeling well and looked pale so she stayed home and chilled in front of the TV whilst we did our chores. I mowed the grass around the flower beds again.....I'm getting quite good at it now! Barbara had the task of hoovering out the au pair car and accidentally sucked up a stone oops! It didn't break it though thank god! We then finished off by cleaning the monster of a fridge out. I made my first dinner for the family tonight and didn't cock it up yay! I made beef fajitas....made my own guacamole for the first time too and it was so yummy....dead proud!

31st October-Happy Halloween! Well today all I did was bloody clean! Did all the kitchen cupboards inside and out and made a good start on the oven. I tell ya, I'm making up for not cleaning for six months! We took the kids out trick or treating in the village and even dressed up. I was a witch and Barbara was a cat. We even dressed the dog up in one of Abby's princess dresses lol! So funny! She ran around for a bit in protest and then just threw herself on the floor defeated. I was buggered by the time we got home and the dog had dragged me around no end! I forgot she wasn't lead trained. My glass of wine when we got home was well deserved!

1st November-Today was our other day off this week woop! We didn't get a lie in though because we wanted to try boot camp in the village. Now I've only ever been to boot camp once and this one was waay better! It was all outside and we got to do relay exercises where we ran and tagged each other and used ropes, flipped tyres and dragged them along. I think I'll go again next week 😊 After that I dropped Barbara at home and went and joined the local pool/gym and did my hour of laps. I'm gonna try and go every day. I've started my diet too so am really going for it! There's a wine festival in two weeks and I'd like to fit into my dress from America. We went for a ride over the mountains in the afternoon and poor Barbara got a naughty horse again bless her. She kept trying to take off and on the way home just went cantering off up the hill. She got off and walked in the end. I was on Moon again who was a bit naughty and kicked Barbara's horse Febe, but other than that I think I'm getting better at controlling her. When we got home the house was empty so we got a beer and sat in the hot tub for a while....yes they have a hot tub! 😊

We then got ready and went into the village for the night. When we walked into the bar everyone stared at us and they were all Maoris. We sat there with our bottle of wine saying we'd give it half hour and then move on when a group of rugby lads approached us and kept us entertained for the evening. They plied us with drinks, we had a game of pool and the night ended with us chatting away to Elvis when a fight broke out and they closed the pub 😞 Elvis said we could stay at his house but we decided to walk home....not the brightest idea as its a forty minute walk! We were home and munching on toast by 1am. Fab night!

2nd November-So I woke up still feeling a little tipsy....always a sign of a good night out! We had to work today but Michelle was with George at his boarding school orientation weekend so just rang to say to do the washing, tidy the house and take Abby out on her pony so not too bad. Well Matches is one naughty little pony! First of all he bit me, then when Abby asked him to trot he did a mini buck and then actually bucked her off because he decided he didn't want to walk any further. Naturally she cried and didn't wanna get back on so we made him do a bit of work and led him around a bit. He did some bucking then too so Michelle is sending the little shit up to the farm to do some work. I went for another swim and then we had an amazing lamb roast dinner mmm! Me and Barbara finished the night off with a movie. We're like old nannas with our tea and blankets xx


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