
Published: November 25th 2005
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first of all check the GALLERY section for some wicked badass pictures from our adventures these past couple days. you might have to click on the SLIDESHOW button on the top right side of the nov 25th gallery entry. enjoy

ill start from Matamata a bit and give a brief synopsis. From hobbiton we were off to Rotorua. This is basically a tourist paradise. We werent your average tourists though. We didnt have the money to go on the crazy jet boating or the thermal spas. Which by the way smells like ass. Its always nice to walk down the street and and get the smell of rotton eggs. We only stayed the night and were off to Taupo. Its a really nice city and we did spend two nights here. We usually spend more than one night in a place we like. The problem was that we were in our tent. Everyone thinks that we escaped the canadian winter...but we didnt. We froze both nights and had horrible sleeps. In fact I havent a good one in about a week. Anyway, we looked around for fishing places but the locals wont help because you require "local knowledge" to catch anything here. But everytime you ask, they dont tell you jack squat. So no we didnt catch any fish. We were then off to turangi which is the launch point for Tongoriro crossing. Which is around where they filmed Mordor. You will see why. We got to Turangi and its a nice little town. We bought our groceries. Packed them up and got ready for our huge day trek. We arrived there early to get a head start. All of our packs were heavy and we felt it early on. We walked for about an hour and the terrian was getting harder and harder. We came to this place which the locals call "the devils climb". I understand why now. We started up it and the weather just kept getting worse. The clouds closed in around us and we could barely see 10 feet in front of us. We kept on climbing which became incredibly painful. I had to stop many times to catch my breath and rest my feet. Even old people we passing me. Of course I also had 60 pounds on my back and they had nothing. We continued to climb and finally made it over the top about an hour later. It was then perfectly flat and was very freaky. It was just us three and nobody in sight. We had to climb a lot more and finally started our downhill trek. The main things we were supposed to see, we of course could not see. We did see the emerald lakes which were amazing. We walked forever again and finally just stopped to yell at the mountain. It was fun. We made it to the hut which provided some amazing views and decided to stay the night. Bad news, no central heating or insulaion. We froze...again. We ate tonnes of food to lighten the load and made it the rest of the way down the mountain. We covered countless km's and we were dying. Our bodies are just wrecked. We then had to wait 3 hours in the rain for a bus. We rushed around tarungi and made it finally back to Taupo, which is where I am writing this. We plan to go to Napier tomorrow, a nice city where a friend back home was born.

i miss you all...i miss my legs to.
take care, enjoy the pics!

bu bye


26th November 2005

the verdict
hey DP oh man i cant believe this is actually guys must be in glory all the time. hey you will get your legs eventually..i can assure you. my only advice is take care of your feet...they will save you or break you...believe me. i am so happy for you guys...wish i was there...(sigh) haha i will keep in touch peace out my P.I.M.P.s miss u guys... the judge
26th November 2005

slowly but surely...
Hey dan:D im so happy that your fulfilling your dream and i still find it hard to grasp the fact that my brother is in New freakin Zealand! Its nuts! Its been very different for sure with the whole coming home and you not being there but hearing from you and knowing your safe is relieving. Some of the pics look unreal and somewhat fake..thats how crazy amazing they really are... i cant even begin to imagine what its like for you guys that are actually there to take it all in. Well take care and i miss you lots and if you ever miss me..hah yah pull out the key chain:) luv you
29th November 2005

Hi Danny
We just went on your web site. Nice to hear all you are doing. It is mild here today and raining, but it is going to get colder and rain. Take care.
30th November 2005

i saw the pics and they are totally crazy how nice they are.I am so jelous!Nonno and Nonna have a pic of u out side of ur house in the ground and they say they miss u and this christmas will be a hard one.And the eskomio's won the grey cup nye for now amanda love yall
30th November 2005

Hey Dano, the pictures look "spimazing" haha, looks so gorgeous there I'm jealous! Sounsd like you boys are having a fun time in NZ, sucks to hear you encountered a bit of a rough time with crappy weather and whatnot. But now you're apparently resting up in Wellington so things can only get better! Keep smiling kiddos!

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