What a whiff!!!!

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Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua
April 23rd 2007
Published: April 23rd 2007
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Scalding steam from the centre of the earth . Yes, it stinks.

What a whiff!!!!

 Australasia » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua By Rowell Rambles
April 23rd 2007 Hold your nose as you read this.
You have been warned!!!!

Rotorua is the thermal capital of New Zealand.
If if doesn't bubble, ooze, gush or hiss out of the ground here it is not worth talking about.
Everywhere you look there is steam appearing from somewhere, even drains.

Because of this there are many health spas, pools, etc to take advantage of the free heat. Even private houses have their own thermal bath, our camperpark did too.

The centre of Rotorua is beautiful, with a magnificent Victorian museum building and bowling greens, croquet(even) lawns in front of it. This of course is accompanied by the ever present pong of bad eggs coming from the thermal vents nearby.
A great place to stop( you get used to the pong eventually), as there is also a fantastic lake, and very clean, neat Maori Village nearby.
The local park is somewhat different too. Yes, it has flowerbeds and trees, but I don't know any parks in UK that have pools of boiling mud/water, or hissing vents giving off foul smelling steam.
All in all a place that will linger

The Craters Of The Moon. Called this because the surface resembles the moon. I know the moon is made of cheese, but it can't smell as bad as this.
long in our nostrils.

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Good for the complexion allegedly.

No, this did NOT smell. It was a Maorl village in Rotorua and it was beautiful.

Steam even came up through the road drains.

Do NOT fall in here. It was boiling hot and goodness knows what the green stuff would do to you.
The old bath houseThe old bath house
The old bath house

This is now a museum

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