The Big Zoo and Tirau etc

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October 14th 2006
Published: October 14th 2006
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Hamilton ZooHamilton ZooHamilton Zoo

Tamarin Monkey
Apologies for not writing in the diary last week. Have been busy working - yes working and I was in for 6 days this week. The shifts aren't too bad, but the 10 o'clock finish never ends then - I am getting back in the house around 10.40pm. No early starts which suits me fine.

Last Saturday we went off to Hamilton Zoo to see if they could put Uncle Andy back in with the chimps ha ha. He wouldn't let us though and we had to bring him back home with us!!! We all felt like kids again going round the zoo but I did see some birds that are only found here but please don't ask me to pronounce them. They were very colourful though.

Went to see the tigers but only found one which was having a rest in the shade. The zoo has a camera which you can move round the enclosure and after some left a bit, right a bit, fire we got it on the screen. Thank goodness.

Went down to see the giraffes and they were getting fed. They were only young and still had a fair way to grow.
Hamilton ZooHamilton ZooHamilton Zoo

Giraffes Feeding
The zebras were hiding down the bottom of the paddock, but eventually came up to see what all the fuss was about. We also saw American Buffalo/Bison which are massive. Also saw weird marked African hunting dogs - they were having a spearmint fit when we got there. Think someone was nicking their food.

The Capuchin monkey looked like Elvis with dark black hair and sideburns. The chimps had just been fed and weren't doing much, just lazing in the sun.

And to bore you even further, we saw the Asiatic Golden Cat (hiding), Geckos (ver large), a Tuatara which is like a gecko but native here, Skinks, lemurs, Kune Kune pigs (ugly), white rhinos and springboks (antelope type things).

Enough of that.

Today we went down to the little town of Tirau. It loads of little shops and the Information Centre and the Woollen Mill are both made out of corrugated iron. One of them is in the shape of a sheep and the other a sheep dog - looks well good. At the top of the town is the biggest chair I had sat on in my life - mind you, some of the
Hamilton ZooHamilton ZooHamilton Zoo

Hunting Dogs
All Blacks could fill it by themselves - big men.

We then went to Okororie which has a 9 hole golf course and a pub which does good food. Bacon and Beef burger had to be held together with a skewer because it was that big couldn't get my mouth round it - no comments please.

Then drove to Arapuni to see the dam but it was closed for maintenance work. Probably a good job coz I was fast asleep and missed it anyway. We crossed the Waikato River and there was an amazing bridge across but the gates were locked. Me an Uncle Andy wanted to go over it. Will try again before I leave - see the photo.

Decided a cafe stop was required - hot chocolate levels needed filling up so went to Lake Karapiro which is not far from Cambridge and is where the NZ rowers train. There is going to be a world championship held there next year - will be busy.

Came back to the house, collapsed on the sofa and now we are going to watch the Waikato Mooloos play Otago in the semi final of the air new
Hamilton ZooHamilton ZooHamilton Zoo

Hungry Ostrich
zealand rugby cup - go the Mooloos - getting the swing of this rugby game - have to really, Uncle Andy and Aunty Tina won't let me watch anything else. Next weekend is a bank holiday, but I'm working on the Sunday - watch this space for the next exciting installment of - Ebony's Great Adventure.

Till Next Time
Ebo xx

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Hamilton ZooHamilton Zoo
Hamilton Zoo

White Rhino waiting for food
Hamilton ZooHamilton Zoo
Hamilton Zoo

Peacock trying to nick our food

Me in the All Blacks Chair

Bridge over the Waikato

Me and Aunty Tina having a larf!!

30th October 2006

Ebo huni miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
ebo darling that chair is bloody massive init haha u mad ed!! eb uv gota come home NOW! its crap* wiv out u eya cant u come home early lyk jst afta christmas????? pleaseeeee ?? neway think about it ok! lve ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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