Thoughts from Perth

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January 11th 2011
Published: January 11th 2011
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View from Kings ParkView from Kings ParkView from Kings Park

Views like this were a welcome sight after leaving a dreary England behind
Hello....well my time in Perth is coming to an end. I have had quite a sedentary (not sure that is spelt right but no spell check on the blog site!) start to my trip - mixture of jet lag and the temperature. Felt like I needed to be out and about yesterday so went for a walk round Kings Park (it's bigger than Central Park you know!) Wrong time of year to be blown away by the spectacular colours of the flowers but its an impressive place nevertheless. I didn't get round all of the park (why I decided not to do the children's park I'll never know) but I was flagging and I knew the hotel swimming pool was only 10 minutes walk away. Decided to come back via Jacobs ladder which is a shortcut up / down the cliff and I'm so glad I was going down - there are 242 steps and the people coming up the steps didn't look too happy and some of them looked they were verging on a heart attack. I had lunch when I got back to the hotel and I can confirm the rumour is true - Australians are really friendly. A lady was with her elderly mother waiting to be served in the restaurant and struck up a conversation with me. Turns out the mother was from Leicester (which is where I grew up for those who don't know), it's a small world. They were very friendly and I left them to have their Devonshire tea to go to the pool. Today I went into the city centre to have a look round - very nice place. I understand why people fall for Australia - the people are lovely, the towns are so clean and well looked after, the weather is great and I haven't really sampled the wine yet but I just know I am going to love that too. Only drawback so far is that things feel like they are expensive but I could still be getting used to doing the conversions. Tomorrow I leave Perth on the Indian Pacific train heading to Adelaide. Not sure there will be any internet access on the train so my next update will be from Adelaide and I hope to have lots of stories to tell - especially how big and spacious my cabin was! Bye for now....


12th January 2011

Hello - Glad to hear you have enjoyed Perth. Hope you took lots of photos and have you seen many animuuuuules yet?? These are the important things, not swimming and lunch!! A few questions - 1) Have you developed an accent yet? 2) Why haven't you sampled the vino yet. 3) Have you seen a boomerang yet? Miss you lots and wish I was there. LG x

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