Strewth I finally made it to Australia!

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Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth
January 8th 2011
Published: January 8th 2011
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Hey guys!

Don't have a long time to write a blog as I am on a library computer so I'll make this quick 😊

Right so I landed at 1am Friday morning (about 5pm on Thursday your time) so I haven't really been up to a great deal!
I flew with a Northern Irish girl called Katie and 2 danish guys called Jesper (Yes-per) and Tobias (To-be-us) who were all very nice and definitely made the whole flight more bareable.
Wasn't a scary journey at all as I was with people and because it's not the first time I've travelled semi-alone. Did lose a bracelet tho and I almost lost my sleeping bag as it came away from my backpack but it made it!

It's very sunny here but not as hot as it usually gets as it rained recently (not Queensland raining, just a UK type shower I think) so all the humidity has disappeared. Am going to have to buy new clothes tho as the ones I have are definitely not australia friendly!

Some things I have found out about the DTS/Perth:
*We get up at 6am...why i hear you do morning exercise. Oh yer you can tell I am going to like it here :s
*We have the weekends and wedneday evenings free but are busy pretty much the rest of the time with lectures, small groups, prayer, worship, outreach and other things.
*There aren't any poisonous spiders where we are...score!
*There aren't really that many snakes here
*About 65% of the other people in my course are Canadian so I'll probably have some canadian slang words added to my vocab by the time I get back!
*Everyone is really nice here
*The oldest person on the course is about 22 and the majority are 19 so that may take a bit of getting used to. I do have the mentality of a 17 year old at times tho so maybe i'll be ok!

So yer I can't really think of a huge amount to really tell you right now! Am still pretty nervous and a few tears have been shed and I'm finding it difficult not to automatically go into shy withdrawal mode. On the first morning I took about 5 minutes just staring at the door of the bedroom to try and build up some confidence to go to the bathroom and last night when we went to a park like place so people could play games and stuff I really didn't feel like getting involved so just sat on the grass for most of it. Some other people were sitting and talking as well but I just dont want to be the type of person who gets so nervous that they just can't do anything!
It's all not really hit me yet either. I'm not really sure what my mind is thinking but it's not in Australia mode.
I'm not really that jet-lagged which is a plus but it's always worse on the way back rather than the way there.

Thank you for all your kind messages by the way! They are all very much appreciated and I'm sorry that I can't reply to them at this time!
Thank you for all those who are praying for me as well. It means a lot to me 😊

Hopefully speak to you soon once the internet on base is up and running!

Love and blessings all the way from Oz!


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