Hamelin Pool - Monkey Mia

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April 26th 2016
Published: May 2nd 2016
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Hamelin Pool to Monkey Mia
Hamelin Caravan Park sits on the site of the old Telegraph station, steeped in history, in the 1960's the telegraph station assisted with the lift off of GT-1 unmanned Gemini space mission. However now the only telecommunication is the Telstra phone box and the facilities could be upgraded.

From Hamelin Caravan Park we travelled the 120km to Monkey Mia to experience the feeding of the Dolphins.
Australia's famous
Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins.
The Department of Parks and Wildlife control feed the dolphins 3 times a morning between 7.45am and midday. Feeding times depend on the dolphins coming into the feeding area.
We arrived at 9.15am and basically paid $32 for the privilege to park in the car park. We witnessed the last feeding of the day at 9.35am.
We heard the wild life person talk about the dolphins and did see the dolphins up close, however the staff assisting the feeding of the dolphins had preference for choosing adults to feed the dolphins over children.
We tried to snorkel at the beach, Tom on I saw a Ray, otherwise hopeless.
We wasted our time at Monkey Mia.
Disappointed we travelled back to Denham the hub of Shark Bay, and drowned our sorrows in cream cakes from the bakery.
Denham is so called because because in 1858 Captain Henry Mangles Denham charted the entire Shark Bay area and by the mid 1870's the small settlement grew.
Denham like Busselton is renowned for it's squid. Peter's plan was to squid fish off the jetty, however the weather a little overcast and rough for squid. The kids swimming off a near by pontoon until Billy fell and cut his big toe quiet badly on the a piece of wood. Pete and I fishing, myself with prawn bait, then as I was more and more successful Peter gave up on squid and joined in. We caught approximately a dozen fish for the afternoon. Tom catching one. The fish we caught ranged from flat head, garfish, brim and blue line wras.
All very nice for dinner that night when we returned to camp.

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