Seashells Shenanigans

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November 27th 2011
Published: November 29th 2011
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Week 6 all seems like a bit of a blurr now. The weeks are going by so quickly I can't keep up with my own life.

Nothing too important to report, unless you call finishing reports and winning our netball and volleyball games newsworthy. When Friday rolled around I was again Broome bound for another girls weekend. This time we hit up a Cable Beach resort called Seashells and it's pretty darn lovely. Of course, not as classy as our last trip where we lived it up in luxury at a private villa! The pool was blissful and since 40 degrees is about the standard temp these days it was pure magic to wallow in the water for an hour or two on Saturday.

We arrived in Broome on Friday night just in time to catch the G. Point sunset. Thanks to MJ and Katie there were lots of nibbles and drinks. Then it was back to the hotel for more drinks and nibbles while we waited for the other girls to arrive. We were all up for a big night and left for Divers Tav. around 10pm. Unfortunately the music was not dance worthy and just before closing we left for then night club scene in China Town. I did manage to catch up with Beck and Caitlyn who had just had their 5th Year Med exams and were celebrating their end of year freedoom. Back on the party scene, it was a bit of a let down as both Oasis and Bungalow were extremely quiet and not playing good dancing tunes. I was more than ready to leave around 2am and I crawled into bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I woke up at 5 minutes to 9am which is the world's longest sleep in for me. I could hear chatter in the living room so I walked out to find Katie's ankle completely bandaged. She had collided with someone's shoe on the way out of the club and unbeknown to me had come home in the early hours of the morning, then gone out to the hospital. Luckily it was just a lifted toe nail. She ended up having it taken off with a local anesthetic...ouch! A bit of Katie drama for the night!

In the kitched Sherry had already been out and about garage sale bargain hunting and was busy preparing the most delectible fruit salad. She was happy with her purchases which sounded amazing. After breakfast and a shower it was time to get down and dirty with our Christmas shopping lists. We began at the markets and moved slowly to China Town and finally Broome Bouley. Just after 1 we collapsed into the hot car, shopped out and ready for a swim.

Our pool time was glorious but much too short. Emma and I headed back to Derby just after 3.30pm. We wished we could've stayed another night with the others but I just had so much stuff to do.We pulled into my driveway a smidge before 6pm and I had just enough time to pick up Vegemite, shower and unpack before I raced off to the Norval Gallery opening. The night was a huge success by the look of it. The place was packed. The gallery is magnificent, you could spend hours looking at the Norval's collections of shells, records and of course, art. I piked early and was home before 9. After another shower I ended up going to bed at 9.30pm. I think that sets a new Saturday night record for earliest bed time in a while.

Sunday was Fiesta Day which was Caitlyn and Beck's farewell party. I spent all morning doing the washing and odd gardening jobs. I enjoyed taking Veg for a long morning walk (of course it was before 7am as it would have been too hot after that). Then it was party prep until 3. I made a cute dip bowl out of a capsicum and filled it with dip. Along with a few other dishes I also made blue jelly shots and a mud cake which I decorated with mini m&m's. I was pretty impressed with my little boab tree and goodbye message.

The fiesta was lots of fun but way over catered. We had soooo much food and alcohol and Beck refused to make the mojitos sundayified and the tequila was overpowering at times. Due to the 40 plus degree weather the slip n' slide was well utilised by all the girls. I left around 8pm and that was my weekend done.

Luckily only 2 weeks of school to go and I am wilting in this humidity. I am sending big love to my family who are struggling in farmland. I pray that the harvesting will go smoothly this week. See you all very, very soon.


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