Images in Broome

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August 4th 2008
Published: August 4th 2008
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Hey there everyone

Am still in Broome - and loving every minute of it! My mate Matt has joined me and we have spent quite a bit of time exploring Broome and surrounding areas, with heaps more still to do and see. This morning we head off to Derby for a few nights. We are booked to fly out of Derby to the Horizontal Waterfalls tomorrow morning. On Thursday we drive up to Cape Leveque - which should be fantastic.

The only downside of Matts visit is his chronic snoring. Now to be fair, Matt did warn me before he joined me that he was a known snorer. But I thought “How bad can it be?”. The answer .... VERY BAD! So bad in fact that I resorted to stuffing tissues in my ears last night in order to drown out the constant drone. It worked! Now Matt will claim that I snore as well. Of course, this is just his attempt to turn the tables back on me because of course he can produce no proof. So in regards to Matts snoring, I have two comments to make :

i) I apologize on his behalf to all of our fellow campers around site number 2 in the Palm Grove Caravan Resort. I feel your pain .....
ii) The Thunderbox is living up to its name .... although for an entirely unintended reason!

I have taken a number of pics around Broome which I wanted to share with you all. Hope you enjoy! I will post pics of the Horizontal Waterfalls after the flight. Oh, by the way, I have booked to spend a day with a local photographer exploring some of the local areas and scenery, whilst learning some “tricks of the trade”. Can’t wait for that tour! Hopefully I can use the knowledge I gain to get some memorable pics during the remainder of my trip!

Take care.

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


4th August 2008

Having travelled with you before I have to stick up for Matt and say that you certainly snore too! But you were right bro - the photos are very cool. The splash one looks like it's been photoshopped already! I'm jealous of your day with the photographer... Take care xox

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