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May 8th 2006
Published: May 9th 2006
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Yesterday was Neighbours day for us, its all filmed just near Melbourne, so seemed like one of those things which we just had to do.

The day started off by getting the bus tour down the Erinsborough High, the studio, and Ramsay Street itself (acutally called Pin Oak Drive). The tour itself was horribly cheesy - as to be expected, and we were forced to watch one of the worst dvd's ever on the bus journey, but it was all in good spirit. One of the funny things was, everybody else on the tour was British (the tour guide said he doesn't think he's ever had an Australian on it!). The school and studio were pretty boring (as we weren't actually allowed inside any of it) but the Ramsay Street was very interesting. Its much much smaller in real life, only has 6 houses on it, and and its all made to look bigger using camera tricks. We didn't actually get to see any filming - apparantly thats a good thing, because when they do film, the whole area is closed off and you can't see anything.

In the evening we decided to go to the Neighbours party at
Ramsay Street!Ramsay Street!Ramsay Street!

Me holding the sign outside Harold's house!
a pub down in St Kilda's - again full of Brits, and this was really fun, basically just a night of music, alcohol, trivia, games, and meeting some of the Neighbours stars! We did a big pub quiz style quiz, and me and tom were put on a team with a few other people our age, and somehow - even though we only answered about 2/3 of the questions, we managed to come 2nd, without any cheating! but just missed out on the $200 first prize. We got a load of photos, and for those of you who know Neighbours we got to meet Toadie, Max and Janelle, who all seemed really cool and down to earth, and we also got to hear about all the characters that they are killing off soon! so we can tell you all about that when we get home.

Photos coming soon, so keep checking back!

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Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Ramsay Street!Ramsay Street!
Ramsay Street!

Paul Robinson's house (not the England player!)
Ramsay StreetRamsay Street
Ramsay Street

The Scully's house
Neighbours NightNeighbours Night
Neighbours Night

Me & Janelle

9th May 2006

im so very jealous! cant believe u met toadie, thats insane! did u keep callin him toadie by accident?? i forget they're real people aside from neighbours! who are they killing off? ne1 important? i wana know! ne hot new characters?! hope u got sumthang signed! :P glad ur having a gd time babe, got my prom next week exciting! then a whole month of exams...not so excitin :( neway luvin ur journal! muchos luv xxxx
7th June 2006

who cares
I hung out with Neil MAddison!!
17th July 2006

hey im joshua higgins lol!
thats my name lol, hope ur having a good time in australia, i live in canberra

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