Amazing Melbourne

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December 12th 2008
Published: December 16th 2008
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G'day folks!!

Tired from our 3 day road trip down the Great Ocean Road we arrived back in Melbourne for a few days before flying over to New Zealand.

Nic - Our first port of call was St Kilda a trendy suburb by the sea, where we met for a quick drink with the sister of one of my best friends....It was really nice to catch up and get a quick run through of things she'd done while in Oz although it was a bit weird having contact again with someone from home!

Dan - If you remember from one of our blogs from Loas we met a girl called Sandy who lives in Melbourne she told us to look her up when we got here for a expert guided tour of the city...........So we did! It's so much better having someone with you who can show you the secret bits.....The back street cafe & bars allleys, the cheap (but fantastic) eateries the 'REAL' Melbourne, She looked after us and treated us perhaps a bit more than she should of!!.........We owe you Sandy, come to England!.

Nic - We spent a couple of days mooching around, taking in the arty, cafe culture, gauping at the beautiful buildings (which of coarse I drove Dan made with!) meeting Sandy for coffee and then sauntering off to discover the areas she'd you can tell from our "Arty"pics, this place kind of rubs off on you.....a really lovely, relaxed city, with fantastic people to make it all the better!

We met Sandy after work on our last evening and went for a quick bite of Chinese dumplings - cheap as chips but oh so tasty! - and then a beer in a trendy backstreet bar before we jumped on a tram which to us to another suburb to watch the "Grand finals" of a friends Netball match! It was great to get back into a friendly atmosphere and be around a group of people doing the norm and having a laugh! They won the finals and so it was only right to go out for a beer or two to celebrate. We even managed to fit in a massive piece of sticky date pudding (a local legendary dessert!) and a few glasses of wine to wash it all down!...Let's just say the early morning check out of 9.30am was a little difficult!

Dan - So how do we sum up Oz?.........Well initially if you remember we had a few grumbles about the East coast but looking back Diving the Great barrier Reef, Diving with the huge school of nurse Sharks, Treking in the Blue Mountains, our Great Ocean Road Trip and then seeing the real Melbourne it's been pretty cool stuff!!! and turned out brilliantly in the end.

But onwards and downwards even further now to New Zealand The Lords of the Rings country home of some pretty breath taking sights..........see what we think soon!!


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Chatting over a coffee....Chatting over a coffee....
Chatting over a coffee....

....Sandy who we first met tubing in Laos!

17th December 2008

you and my sis
Two of my favorite peeps all the way over there! Miss you all loads xxxxxxxxx

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