Melbourne Cricket Ground

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August 21st 2007
Published: August 31st 2007
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Hi Again,

Attached are more Melbourne pictures.

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Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


31st August 2007

Where did the last 3 months go????? Almost time for you to come home. We are back home after a great 7000 mile trip. Had a wonderful time with Dave and Deb, meeting "Cowboy Bob", a real honest to goodness cowboy when we were with Dave, and Debbie taking us to Mt Whitney, highest mountain in the lower 48, to start hiking at 9200feeet where the air is so thin!!!!! Spent time in Utah with RV friends and Bernices family came to Utah with Brigham Young. She was most interesting and a great tour guide at Bryce Canyon and Zion Nat'l Park. Her great-great grandfather had 5 wives. We are meeting Rich and Danielle at Disney in Sept for a w/e and then the following w/e your Mom and Tug. Next you will be home and back to work. Hope we will see you, but know you will have a tight schedule getting back to NYC. Your blogs have been wonderful, thanks for all the work you put into them. Love and lots of hugs to you both, Gram and Grandpa XOXOXOXOXO
31st August 2007

How Cute!
*** Note Hank wearing the Noles shirt, with red eyes and beer in hand. He must really be missing them there Noles ;-) <3 U! (I like the Jacket!)

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