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November 13th 2013
Published: April 6th 2014
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The area at the oval in Cadell was very nice indeed. Just 7 bays, all with power, one is permanently occupied by the caretakers. There is even a dump point. We spent a nice quiet evening watching more Foyle's War and in the end the rain did not come to anything.

The amenities here are exceptional. They are actually the change rooms for the oval. My oh my, the footy players must be very different. Terracotta tiles on the floor, jarrah surrounds on the HUGE mirror over the three square handbasins. Jarrah seating. Very posh indeed and not a sweaty jock strap in sight.

We both had a giggle because we compared notes and discovered that each set of rooms had a large sign under an electric switch which said EX-FAN. We wondered if anyone had told the fan or they had just given up because the team lost too many times.

We were late getting away in the morning and as a consequence were too late to get to croquet practice the next day. Across on the Cadell ferry again, I really like that and then home via Burra and Clare. We needed to get some salads so stopped in Clare briefly before heading home and emptying the van. On Friday we begin the big clean-up.


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