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June 12th 2006
Published: June 12th 2006
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Byron Bay!
OZ vs ENGLAND 37: 3
We've been in Sydney since Friday. Have met up with Chloe and Lily. The rugby was awesome! ( admittedly we lost 37-3) But there was live music before and afterward which was cool. We all bought white tops. Did St George's flags on front with red duck tape. Facepainted flags and made a massive banner saying "Ollie will you marry me." I didn't know who Ollie was, but Claire assured me he was quite good looking. Was a really good atmosphere and the stadium was packed. One of the Ozzie chants is "what do you wanna be? .... a wallabie!" But instead we replied "....a pommy!" Which seemed to take them all by surprise. Lots of harmless heckling ( think we would of been mugged had it been a football match). We went to an Irish pub afterwards where they had more live music. So was a really good night.

We went to Bondi beach today, a little colder than last time we went. But had lovely jewellery, bought some new earrings. We're going to the Blue Mountians tommorrow, Claire's 2nd cousin is giving us a lift and we're going to stay with his Mum, so should be a good trip and cheap!

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Bungee JumpBungee Jump
Bungee Jump



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