Cairns, Mission beach and Townsville

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January 11th 2010
Published: January 11th 2010
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Hello everyone, just filling you in on whats going on. At the minute we're traveling down in the east coast of australia!

On Tuesday the 5th of January we flew drom sydney to cairns. It was a long trip! We flew to brisbane than waited 3hours then flew to cairns. We got to the famous 'gilligans' hostel just after midnight. This hostel was crazy! Theres a big nightclub downstairs, so we were advised to get a room high up, we were on the 4th floor, music wasnt to bad, the rooms were very big, spacious and clean so we were happy!! The club down stairs was brilliant, they also had a lovely pool!! SO we just chilled out at the pool alot and drank at night!We also went to the woolshed, we were told its the spot to be, that couldnt be more true! At 10.00pm the tables were full off people dancing on them, it was good fun! We did a trip one of the days, ste went quad biking for 2hours and I went horse riding for 2hours, it was the same company so we met up at the end! It was absolulty brilliant!! I had the best time ever, there were 4of us who had done horse riding plenty of times before, so we just hung back from the rest of the group and went at our own pace, catching up with the rest of the group every now and again! At one point we were going fast and i was sure i was gone, i was just about to fall off, but i pulled so hard on the horses mane he stoped running - oops!! We went off again after i got control, it was brilliant! But saying that i couldnt move a single bone in my body for the next few days, i had bruises on the inside of my legs, i was in bits (spin class hasnt got a patch on this pain), but i would definitly do it all again!! Ste came back from the quad biking, covered from head to toe in mud, except for his eyes were the sunglasses covered them. He said it was brilliant, had the best fun ever....without me slowing him down! Cairns was nice, a few day trips you can do and greta pubs at night! We stayed 4nights here then moved on.

Mission Beach!
Saturday the 9th of January we moved down south 3 hours to mission beach. We got a grey hound bus ticket, it takes us straight to sydney, we can hope on and off as we go along. We stayed at Scotty's as recommended by....everyone!!!Not much to do at mission beach, but the hostel was good craic! We had a BBQ the first night and drinks with everyone, got to know your neighbours! It was sunny just long enough for us to enjoy the pool, we then went for a walk in the rainforest!! It lashed rain from the minute we got out of the bus! We got more than we bargained for in the rainforest! We were all so wet, we abandoned the walk and went straight to the creek were we all jumped in! Afterwards the leader told us, there was leaches in the water, yuck!! Afterwards ste got in the pool, in the lashing rain, surprisingly he wasn’t the only one in the pool!!We got cleaned up and ordered thia food and drink! The drinking ended up with drinking card games and then to the beach with the radio (cause we were making to much noise for a Sunday night!!) for more drinking and games!! Unfortunately we didn’t do the skydive on the each which is what mission beach is known for. We’ve made a deal that we will do it, i just need to prepare myself and a bit of persuasion!

So Sunday the 10th we moved another 3 hours down south to Townsville, although we were told by plenty of people that this is not a great place to go, we decided we stop for a night to brake the 8hour trip to Airlie Beach. We stayed in a guest house called Orchard guest house, it wasn’t in the centre of the town, but we strolled into the town and had a look around, there was nothing of interest there! It was nice and homey and we had a telly (big bonus), so we watched one of my favourite films - double jeopardy! The following morning we moved on to Airlie beach!!


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