Day 47 Townsville

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October 1st 2007
Published: October 1st 2007
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Unexpected change in the weather, overcast and a bit cooler today.

Paul again got up very early and played golf while Lois slept in. Good way to start the day.

Went and looked at the Barra Fishing Farm and bought some Redclaw Crayfish for dinner and then went to the Casino and made a donation.

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Barra Fishing FarmBarra Fishing Farm
Barra Fishing Farm

Lots of ponds filled with barramundi that you pay to catch and throw back. More cost if you want to take your fish home. Those people fishing certainly were catching lots.

Could not come to Townsville without taking a photo of the Dairy Farmers Stadium, home ground for the Cowboys NRL team

2nd October 2007

Dinner invitation
Hope you are not getting to attached to the Barra and red claw.... where's my invite there are cheap airfares going you know....

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