Brisi to Surfers

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December 16th 2008
Published: December 16th 2008
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Hey gang!

So since we last messaged our journey has continued. We left Noosa, possibly one our favourite stops so far, on Sunday and we headed to Australia Zoo - home of the Crocodile Hunter. We had a fantastic day - we saw lots of native creatures including many Koalas (my favourites), crocodilions, Roos and Wallabys, Wombats, Komodo Dragons & DINGOES! From there we headed to Brisi - where we stayed for 2 nights. Yesterday we took a walk around the city centre - did some shopping and realised there was not much else to do there.

This morning we got up and headed to the bus stop where we took a 1.5 hour bus down to Surfers Paradise. We recieved very mixed reviews on this place - however we have been pleasently suprised and really enjoyed our day. Chris spent most of the day wallowing in the surf (I think he thinks he is a shark) and I bronzed myself somemore on the lovely 5 mile beach.

To end a great day we went for a feast at the Hard Rock Cafe Surfers Paradise! (Dad we could have done with your membership card!)

Tommorrow we are headed to Byron Bay on the 10:00 bus - just a note to say we will be another hour ahead when we get there (so we will be 11hours ahead of you!)

Will message from there.

Lots of love Asti & Chris

PS still not feeling Christmassy! Have heard some christmas songs though...


21st December 2008

Bronzed goddess
Well things seem to be moving on splendidly in the Land of Oz. Chris seems happy playing nicely in the water and you’re a girl after my own heart lounging around on the beach. Hope it’s not too stressful for you! The zoo sounds fab – Dad would have loved it. Brisi itself sounds disappointing I thought there would be far more to do and see but I’m sure you’ll find far more to do and see in Sydney! Life here is rumbling quietly towards Christmas which will be very strange without you. I’m thinking of having our official Christmas when you come home in April. It will be almost Easter and thought we could have a tree with eggs, rabbits, daffodils and other springy things on, what do you think? Well must go and stuff a turkey of whatever it is people do at this time of year. Be happy, stay safe and look after each other. My love to you both, as always. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
22nd December 2008

Merry Christmas
Hello Travellers, How exciting it's Christmas. Well Asti I am delighted to tell you, your Dad, what a lovely man he is, took me to work with him the other day and then in the evening treated me to several gallons of the amber liquid. I can tell you I cannot remember when I last drank so much. Still it is Christmas and some celebrating needs to be done. He's taking me to stay with some of my friends on Christmas Eve. He's going to let me spend a few days up at Newcastle Airport, he is so generous, he is going to pay for me to stay there while he and your mum, she's drop dead gorgeous by the way, jet of to Burgau. They did offer to take me with them, but I find the aircraft seats are a bit small and I do struggle to get those seat belts across my Boot. Well I must go now, my friend Mercedes wants me to go with her for a romantic evening at St Mary's Lighthouse Car Park, she loves it when her lamps are turned on, I much prefer to get her motor running and see what is going on under her bonnet. Anyway, best wishes for Christmas , have a great New Year and see you in 2009. Love always Bertie xxx

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