Surfer's Paradise!

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September 14th 2008
Published: September 14th 2008
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Surfer's Paradise!

Hello crazy kids. I have found myself a bit of time to update my blog. We arrived in Surfer's Paradise a couple of days ago. Our crazy bus driver recommended a hostel to us telling us that it was central and cheap.
As there is loads of rugby going on the hostel would only let us stay for one night. Which was gutting - we needed to find a different place for the following night. 😞
Upon walking into our room I realised that yes, the hostel was central, it was not as cheap as some places and personally it felt like walking into a prison. We had to go through a metal door before we could get to the door of our dorm. Gross!

We dumped off our bags - my bag has some what grown in size and now is about the same size as me - and weighs about the same as well! Do not fret we found somewhere for the second night... I did wonder whether I could sleep on the beach for the second night and would I be able to keep my bag safe whilst sleeping.

Surfer's Paradise is very much like Spain. It is quite built up and is very modern. The shopping is great! The night life is even better. It did feel like being on holiday as a posed to travelling. The atmosphere is very different from that of Byron Bay. Here everyone get's dressed up and it is very much a party town. There were loads of Ozzie's and Kewi's on holiday.
I had an amazing night in the bedroom club after watching Liverpool beat Man U at 12pm at night! Could life get any better than this?

Leyla and I were going to head of to Dream world to go on some rides but it seemed like too much of an effort so we sat on the beach and relaxed a bit.

We are off to Brisbane tonight and then to Noosa for a couple of days. It will be interesting to go to some other places and see how they compare to what we have already seen.

Right - off to check my bank balance... eeek!

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14th September 2008

Down Under or is it ??
Hi sarah, You were right to miss Dream World as it is just another theme park with the Big Brother house inside - eek. Sounds like you are having a ball and trust me - Surfers is unique - the rest of Oz is not a bit like it. Have fun. Karen xxx

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