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February 13th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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A big thank you to everyone who came on Sunday afternoon for a farewell drink (or two). We had a great day and are very happy to have had the chance to say goodbye (for now)....
Brendan takes off on Wednesday 14th Feb @245pm, first stop Singapore, Frankfurt, Geneva, Gstaad Switzerland. Brrrrrrrrr, its minus 2degrees there today!!! Tarquin and myself will be joining him in a week. To Team Dish, we love you guys and have no doubt we're leaving our 'baby' in very capable hands. We look forward to the weekly updates.
Looking forward to hearing from everyone and catching up on all the Noosa goss.....

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Farewell DrinksFarewell Drinks
Farewell Drinks

Quick put your hat back on the Ref is coming!
Smile :)Smile :)
Smile :)

Julie & Riley

I now pronounce you 'Sir Riley the Great'

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