Australia Zoo, Noosa, Fraser Island & Whitsundays!

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October 18th 2009
Published: October 20th 2009
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Heading north from Brisbane to Noosa we visited Australia Zoo made famous by it's owner the late Steve Irwin. Although expensive, it's a great place to spend a few hours. Throughout the day you can hear the keepers speak about the animals which was really interesting and entertaining, e.g keepers were lifted up by the trunks of elephants, rolled around with tigers and fed HUGE crocodiles by hand! It was fab to see Wombats and Tasmanian Devils as we'd never seen them before. Jen slightly overcame her fear of Kangaroos as we tried out feeding them and they were really tame (The last ones Jen tried to feed beat her up by pushing her with their strong hind legs!!). You can see lots of photos of and tributes to Steve Irwin, which is great as he did a lot for conservation. They've maybe taken it a wee bit too far though with the shop selling loads of Steve merchandise, e.g. dolls of Steve and his daughter Bindi and fridge magnets of him and his whole family!! We drove on to Noosa which is a lovely area by the coast. Lots of wealthy people live around here and it's an exclusive holiday resort. Thankfully there's a cheap and cheerful YHA hostel for our budget! A walk around the coast in Noosa National Park is well worth a visit as we were able to spot Whales and Dolphins without having to go on an expensive trip. On the walk we came across some stunning quiet beaches which are worth the effort to get to to avoid the busy main beach. We visted a bar with a nice balcony near the hostel but we got the feeling that it was an exclusive place and they didn't really like us backpackers ordering the cheapest meal on the menu and didn't feel very welcome there - needless to say we didn't leave a tip! Next day we drove to Hervey Bay which was a stop-off point for a 2 day trip to Fraser Island, the world's largest sand island. We joined an organised tour and travelled the island on a massive 4 wheel drive bus as every single road on the island is made of sand. Although the roads are made of sand it's still actually National Highway so you're limited to 80km per hour when driving along the main beach called 75 mile beach! The main sights are the beach, some gorgeous lakes, forest walks and a shipwreck (The ship was built in Dumbarton, Scotland!). The island is hyped up and although we enjoyed it, it wasn't quite as breathtaking as we'd expected it to be. Our highlights were Eli Creek (a nice shallow river to paddle in), Lake Wabby ( a lake surrounded by massive sand dunes) and Lake Birrabeen (a lovely blue lake surrounded by fine white sand). After Fraser Island and Hervey Bay we had a 12 hour road trip to Airlie Beach (thanks for driving Gordon, I promise to pass my test soon!). With a free day to spend in Airlie Beach we had a fab walk to Cannonvale passing a nice man-made beach and a marina. The next day we boarded a catamaran to go for a sail round the Whitsunday Islands. Gordon took the opportunity to look like 007 in a wetsuit and go snorkelling in a nice bay observing lots of interesting colourful fish. Later on we had time on Whitehaven beach, a true tropical paradise with helicopters parked on the beach! While we were on the beach the crew prepared an amazing BBQ lunch for us all. They also had an all inclusive bar so we felt we had to sample a few glasses of wine! Some of the more elderly people on the cruise also sampled the wine (maybe a wee bit too much!) and provided our afternoon entertainment as they stoated about the boat! Next stop Magnetic Island (via Ayr!!).

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Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


20th October 2009

The name is Bond..... Gordon Bond
Am starting to get more than a little envious..! Lovely photos again (of 007 and his girl!) You'd better have made arrangements for my kangaroo as there is absolutely no sign of a camel from Oman and Trevor has been back for more than a week. Maybe they have to go through quarantine? Lots of love Auntie S and Peter Bond xx
29th October 2009

All your photos look fab, still very jealous. Jen thanks very much for the card. You were right and Godon was wrong, my birthday is on 29th October as it does in fact say on facebook. so well sone you. Glad to hear that Gordon has joined the facebook masses, it's great fun. Just need you on it, although that might take some coaxing. Life here good. Had a lovely birthday. Got a fab pair of welllies in bright pink. Away to a Halloween party this weekend so that should be a hoot, won't even have to dress up going on my current witchy mood at school. Anyway take care of yourselves and look forward to seeing you back in sunny scotland in the not too distant future
30th October 2009

I'm very jealous!
Been reading your blogs since you started your trip. How you find the time to describe everything is beyond me but brilliant to read. You should compile a book when you return. I laughed when I read about McLean - I had a boyfriend from there!!! Take care, and I look forward to reading more of your exploits. Love Diane xxxx. P.S. Logan and Alyssa say hello (well Alyssa does and Logan smiles!)

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