Bedrock Bush Poetry

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August 12th 2009
Published: August 13th 2009
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On Day 279 (for us) the Wallaby Wanderers laid down a challenge to us.

The challenge to write a poem, that had us all going
Bloggers of the world unite, while we all sit and write

As follows please see the poem that was written for Kangaroo Jack by the Wallaby Wanderers whom we finally met after several months of "meeting" online. You can find the poem that we wrote for the Wallaby Wanderers here Bloggers poet society

Sometime ago, whilst still at home we happened upon on blog
The photos were great, the words read well so we chucked it on our log
We wondered if we’d meet them on our travels along the way
Australia is a big place but we’d give it our best shot, hey

They call themselves Kangaroo Jack, we’ve no idea why
But it comes across that they are just a lovely lady and guy
They’re blogging here, they’re blogging there, they’ve been around a bit
They’ve seen so much and come so far, 50 thousand kilometres, holy shit

So when we finally come to meet it was at Tinaroo
Where the lake is truly beautiful and wow, what a view
They taught us about the stars when the night sky twinkled brightly
And even about the camera that we both hold so very tightly

It seemed too good a bonding to split after just a day or two
The four of us have such a laugh we agreed it just wouldn’t do
First of all we decided to all stay an extra night
But now the plans have really changed almost out of sight!

We’ve got so much in common & we like many similar things
It’s not just the adventure or the knickers with the string!
We like to sing a little bit and it turns out they do too
But we don’t have a code yet when the other needs a poo!

So here we are at Bedrock, the camp at Mount Surprise
Where we’ve spent the nights laughing and the days splitting our sides
Yesterday we fossicked for Topaz in the hills
And if it hadn’t been for Caroline we’d have a lot less jewels!

We’ve let them win at Mini Golf but kicked their arse at cards,
But this bloody poetry competition could well be our last!
We didn’t hear a prize mentioned but we think there will be one,
Even if it’s just that we are writing sitting in the sun.

So tomorrow is the day that we will go our separate ways,
It would be easy not to move on but the time just runs away.
The days we’ve spent with these guys has been tremendous fun
It’s a friendship that we know will last and we’ll see them somewhere in the sun.

But before we go there’s one more night and that’s a mystery
We board the campsite bus at five to tour with enquisitry!
Who knows where we are going, we’re really not quite sure
But one thing we are certain is that it’s unlikely to be a bore

One last thing about this poem, there was a challenge set for us
We had to use a certain word and it’s inclusion we couldn’t suss
Then along came Steve, the snake expert, we were just so elated.
Because he looked at our mystery snake picture and said “No, it’s not RETICULATED”!

Wallaby Wanderers
Darryl and Sarah Howells 12th August 2009


An Ode to the Wallaby Wanderers on the Road,

The story started a while ago
An Australian adventure to dip our toe

A blog we wrote for Kangaroo Jack
Provided work to break our back

To write this blog took so much time
Our friends back home could view online

Two and a half hours a day we’d spend
To entertain all our friends

In Patrol, around we roam
A camper trailer became our home

From state to state we pull our home
The choice of campsite made us groan

From professional Wally a dog we met
To Woodstock farm, we owe a debt

Kept us from a tale of woe
To Victoria we couldn’t go

A ferry across the water we went
For wildlife viewing that was spent

Wombats, Quolls and Devils too
Thank goodness these weren’t in a zoo

In Perth we stay with Cliff and Sue,
My goodness they have a lovely loo!

Their house so big all in cream
The view of the beach is just a dream

One day a message is shown
From people we have not known

Wallaby Wanderers are coming to Oz
For an adventure just because.

A year to take to travel round
To find Kangaroo Jack we will be found

In the Tablelands we meet
The Wallaby Wanderers we did greet

At Tinaroo Lake
We did bake,
Damper bread that formed a cake

On Inter planetarium fact
We shall use Stellarium to track

A gauntlet thrown a Cassowary to see
Pictures posted from us will be

On the blog proof is sound
A Cassowary will be found

At Bedrock Village we write this
Under the blue sky we don’t miss

The English weather cold and fowl
This poem was written for the Howells

So Darryl and Sarah
Couldn’t be fairer
A challenge we did get

To try to make a humorous ode
For tomorrow is when, you hit the road

In the dragsters you both speed
The safety plans you both heed

But now in Oz, you have Pie
She tows your home in which you lie

Your travels we hope will be safe and straight
On messages we will wait

When Internet access is good to believe
Messages we will leave

From Darryl and Sarah we part
This is just another start

So to end this ditty, we will try
From Kangaroo Jack we say goodbye!

Kangaroo Jack
Caroline & Andy Trenfield 12th August 2009


13th August 2009

To the golfing poetic fossickers.
Have followed your travels and am now addicted to catching up on your blogs and photos everyday. Maybe a week ago thought I would suggest you two pairs meet up as appeared you were all on a collision course and would hit it off. Had no idea you had already been communicating. So great to hear you have met and are having great fun. Really hope your respective trips are the time of your life. Cheers. Jane
13th August 2009

From the golfing poetic fossickers
Hi Jane, thanks for your message, we were so excited to meet them and when we did thay both are such lovely people we instantly hit it off. We found them great fun with such a sirit of adventure it was so sad to say good bye this moning, but I know we will catch up with the somewhere fab. Thanks for reading our blog, we do our best to make it as interesting and as funny as we can without any BS, its all just as it happens It started its life as a medium to tell friends and loved ones We were OK, but hoped more people would communicate back to us to tell us what was happening in their lives. Sadly this did not happen as everyone thinks they have boring lives which we know is not the truth. This blog takes us so much time we just love messages as we live in the information vacume. Caroline and I would love to know a bit about you, where you zre from etc, as we still find it fascinating that people read our blog. My best regards Andy
13th August 2009

Bloggers Poet Society
Both poems are excellent odes but we think that the Wallaby Wanderers win by the smallest Reticulation! (but we are biased of course!) Best Wishes, Jan and Graham (Sarah's Mum and Dad)
13th August 2009

Hi Both,
WE had great fun with Darryl and Sarah, such lovely people, it was an excellent challange and I have to admit that we thought their poem was just fantastic. My best regards Andy

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