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March 3rd 2006
Published: April 24th 2006
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Well I never knew shopping to furnish a house was soooooo expensive karen i feel your past trauma! And Cath its yet to come soon I guess!

So just got a house and I'm renting obviously and had to fork out lots and lots of money on bed, fridge, washing machine, etc etc etc all those tedious things you have to get! Got everything in three days (that need anyway) and have a hobby to start today which is painting pictures to put up in house..... bought water paints and card and stuff so getting hopefully an alternative perspective on decorating.... hope they work out!

So start on Monday with accountancy firm (used to be owned by Brisbane company but Peter who is a lovely man bought it out!). They serve a huge area aroung Longreach and further. Should be hard work!!!!

Will get you some pictures! If any of you are not going to be home around November 2006 to March 2007 please let me know cause able to come home for a month and want to see you all. Going to go to London first too so please let me know before I book when coming back!

Link to see where i live is http://www.longreach.net.au/

Love you all
bex xxxx


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